Special | Valentine's Day

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Okay, so just in case some of you are confused, Remus and Myra get together about a week and a couple of days before Valentine's day and this is on Valentine's day. Enjoy!



Myra jolted awake and rolled out of the bed. She opened her groggy eyes to see Marlene standing above her with a muggle megaphone in her hand. She rubbed her eyes with the back of her knuckles.

"Why?" She croaked.

"I needed to. I'm doing your makeup." Myra groaned and lay down on the floor.

"You did that already for my birthday," She protested, "You said you won't do it again."

"I have to make you pretty."

"Everyone is going to be wearing makeup. I don't want to wear it." Marlene stopped, putting a thoughtful expression on her face before breaking out into a smile.

"Alright," She said, grinning, "No makeup for you. But I'm choosing your outfit. It's Hogsmeade and Remus will probably take you if he's a good boyfriend."

"Good." She clambered to her feet and caught a glance of her in their floor-length mirror. Her hair was disheveled and she had bags under her eyes. Myra dragged herself to the bathroom and washed her face. She combed her hair and tied it in a braid. With difficulty. Marlene had only taught her to braid her hair last year and, usually, Myra just tied it up in a ponytail.

When she got out, Marlene was sitting by the vanity table, delicately putting a line of eyeliner with a careful hand. Myra rummaged through her dresser for clothes. If what Marlene said was right, then Remus may or may not take her out. She wasn't really sure how this dating thing worked.

Nonetheless, she dressed up in a red-brown semi-thick turtleneck sweater, dark blue jeans with a brown belt with a silver buckle, and brown leather boots that went to her mid-calves. She carried a light-brown jacket with a fur hood and a pair of striped mittens just in case she went out.

When she got out of the bathroom, she found Marlene shrugging on a black winter jacket that went to her knees, a black-and-grey striped shirt with a dark red scarf matching her lipstick, black jeans, and small black boots.

"Let's go for breakfast. I'm starving," Myra suggested. Marlene nodded. As they walked down the stairs of the dorm, Marlene spoke.

"I told Katherine that I'd meet her in front of the Great Hall after breakfast, so I might leave you early." The pair stepped into the Common Room and made their way to the portrait door.

"That's fine. I'll be with either the Marauders or Remus."

Once they arrived at the Great Hall, Myra felt her eyes drag to two familiar figures sitting together. She saw the red-head look up at her and scowl before turning away. She felt her stomach drop as Marlene tugged her arm away.

"No thinking about her today. It's your special day and it's her fault that she's not spending it with Potter," Marlene told her, sitting next to her at the table. Her eyes looked over the heads, looking for a specific boy with brown hair. Her boy with brown hair.

Myra started serving her food. The elves had made a very Valentine's day themed breakfast. Red cakes dipped in syrup, pink cookies in the shape of hearts, jam sandwiches cut into hearts, and other things she couldn't see. She took a sandwich and started eating it slowly. Marlene had also taken a sandwich, but she took some of the cakes and cookies as well.

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