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For those who wished for smut... 😐 (honestly, I tried in the drafts but I was like fucking nooooooo).


Marlene was beyond excited. She had gotten Katherine up early, ignoring her grumbles and groans.

"We've got to help Myra with her wedding dress! So get your ass off the bed." This got Katherine to peak an eye open, her arm thrown over her eyes.

"Why do you need me?" She asked, her morning voice making a shiver run up Marlene's spine.

"I need an unbiased lesbian opinion. You're our best option." Katherine hummed, not moving. "Get a move on." Marlene laid down on Katherine and started to wiggle around, making Katherine groan again, her hands trying to push her off.

"Nooo! Katherine said, drawing out the 'o'. "Let me sleep!"

"You're not getting any sleep if I can help it!"


Katherine's so childish.

But that's another thing I love about her.

It took another ten minutes before Katherine finally rolled over and got out of bed. Her hair was sticking up all over the place, most certainly tangled. Marlene smirked to herself, remembering what got her like that. Katherine's bare body was definitely a hint.

"Stop staring and start getting breakfast on," Katherine said, rubbing her eyes with the palm of her hand. "I'm taking a shower." Before Marlene could speak, Katherine continued. "And you are not joining."

Marlene pouted but moved to the kitchen nonetheless. She started to make a simple breakfast of scrambled eggs and toast. Meanwhile, she could hear the water running from the bathroom.

Their day was going to be hectic, so she wanted to make sure that Katherine was getting all the energy she needed, pouring the last of the orange juice into her glass.

They were going to go dress shopping. Lily and Alice had their recommendations but Marlene knew that Myra would want to try a couple of different things. She was never a 'see one buy it' kind of gal, always seeing the options. But going between the shops also meant that wearing heels would kill her feet later. She would be forced to wear flats (oh, the horror). The last time they went shopping for Lily's wedding, it had taken them the entire day without any breaks for lunch. While Lily was trying on a large, poofy dress, Marlene had snuck out to a cart that had been set up on the side of the road and bought sausage rolls and small cakes, bringing them back to the shop before any of them had decided to faint.

Katherine came out of the bathroom wearing tight pants and an oversized light brown sweater that reached her thighs. She gave Marlene a back-hug as she started to pour the eggs into two separate plates, her chin resting on her shoulder, her nose by her ear.

"Smells good, Leeney," Katherine said, reaching forward with one hand and taking a piece of toast.

"I thought I told you that I didn't like that nickname?" Katherine chuckled.

"That's a lie."

Of course, it was. But Marlene wasn't going to give her the satisfaction of seeing her flustered. That was her job.

"Of course not," She said, leaning into Katherine. "I don't like it when you call me 'Leeney'." Katherine laughed.

"What would you rather I call you then, hmm?" Marlene smirked, placing the pan and spatula down. he turned around and looped her arms across Katherine's shoulders, leaning closer so that her mouth was by her ear.

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