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Tonight was the Halloween Ball and Myra had successfully avoided Marlene's attempts of finding her a date. The girls were in their dorm, getting ready for the Ball. Lily and Myra were helping Alice and Marlene get ready. Lily had numerous people ask her, but she didn't want to go with anyone. She just wanted to be there for moral support.

"I still don't understand why you don't want to go to the Ball!" Marlene said, her voice muffled. She was in the bathroom, changing into the dress she spent hours looking for at Gladrags. Myra sighed.

"For the last time, I don't do well around crowds." She was waiting outside the bathroom because Marlene wanted her opinion on how the dress looked on her; after all, 'You're the artist in our group. You should be able to tell me how the dress looks with my skin tone.'

"But you would look so good in this pearl white and pale blue dress I found. I didn't get it, but it would've looked nice with your hair." Marlene opened the door, "How do I look?"

Marlene's dress started as black, near the halter neckline, and blended into a dark, wine red as it fell to the floor. The bottom of the dress swept around her feet where she had worn a pair of black, open-toe heels. Her dress had small, diamond-like sparkles sewn into the fabric around her waist in a floral pattern. The dress hugged her figure until the hips where it fell directly down.

In Marlene's hand was her mask. The students had collectively decided to make it a Masquerade Ball, so they were going to wear masks. Marlene's was a black Venetian swan design. It had small rhinestones along the nose and under the eyes, just to highlight them. It seemed fitting with Marlene's dress.

"You look beautiful. Katherine is going to drop dead when she sees you." Marlene blushed, which was not something you see every day. Marlene walked over to her dresser and sat on a small stool. She placed her mask on the table and took out some brushes, pastes, and powders. Myra sat on the edge of her bed.

"I was wondering," Marlene started putting pale foundation, "What kind of look are you going for?" Marlene looked briefly at Myra. She heard Lily and Alice enter. Alice grabbed her dress and ran into the bathroom, slamming the door in Lily's face. Lily let out a groan.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean it's Halloween. There has to be some look you want." Marlene held out a brush.

"I know that tone. You have something in mind. Do my makeup." Myra felt happiness bubble up in her.

"Really?" She asked. Marlene nodded, a smile playing on her lips. Myra jumped up from the bed. She wiped Marlene's face clean, getting rid of whatever she had done.

"Just don't make me look demented." She joked.

"Of course not. I have a feeling that you'll like this." Marlene closed her eyes and Myra went to work.

In the middle of doing Marlene's makeup, Alice had come out of the bathroom. Both girls looked at her. Alice had worn a dark blue tulle dress with small sleeves. The tops of the dress had medium-sized sequins that faded into smaller ones before none. The round neckline had a small net above Alice's chest. The dress stopped midway Alice's calves.

"Oh my God," Marlene whispered. Myra nodded mutely.

"Alice, you look so pretty!" Lily gushed, jumping up and hugging Alice. She gave them a small smile.

"Do you think Frank will like it?" She asked timidly.

"Of course. He would be an idiot if he doesn't." Myra stated. Alice beamed and sat on the bed as Lily went into the bathroom and Marlene turned to the mirror. Myra added finishing touches and stepped back to admire her work. Marlene, feeling that Myra had stopped, opened her eyes and gasped.

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