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Warning: Slight verbal abuse. Not as bad as it used to be, but it could still be a trigger.


Myra feels as if the months passed by so quickly that she could barely grasp the ending of them. The exams came closer and closer. She fell into a routine.

After classes ended, she would go to the library with her books and start studying. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, Remus would join her. On Tuesdays, Marlene and Thursdays, Alice. She would go back to the Common Room at around ten in the night and relax in front of the fire. When Remus came back from his rounds, usually at around twelve, he would sit next to her and wrap his arms around her. They would sit quietly, occasionally exchanging kisses before going up to their respective dorms.

Ever lunch, Myra called Regulus to the Gryffindor table, knowing that she couldn't sit at his table without consequences. He would sit with her, Marlene, usually Remus, maybe Alice, and sometimes James and Peter. Sirius would make a point to sit away from his brother, never looking or speaking to him. Myra once tried to get him to talk to Regulus, but he pointedly got up and left.

If she was being honest with herself, Myra was feeling a bit different around Remus. Her heart no longer burst in sporadic beats and her eyes were always trained on his face and her stomach never erupted in butterflies. She asked Marlene about this and she said that it was normal.

"Some people hit a stage in their relationship," Marlene said, "When everything feels 'normal' around their significant other and their 'not normal' becomes when they are not around." Myra furrowed her eyebrows.

"I don't get it."

"For example, if Remus is there, you feel comforted and relaxed. If he's not, then you start getting stressed."

"Then that just means I'm clingy." Marlene shrugged.

"Then be clingy."

Before the Easter break, the students were all informed of the meeting they were going to have with their Heads of Houses and given pamphlets and booklets on possible career choices. At the beginning of the summer term, Myra left her History of Magic class (with permission, of course) to talk with McGonagall.

When she got to the class, McGonagall was sitting at her desk with her glasses perched on her nose. She was writing something and looked up just as Myra closed the door behind her.

"Miss Lestrange, please, take a seat." Myra put her bag down on the floor and slid into the chair. The classroom looked strange when it was empty except for her and McGonagall. McGonagall brought out a file and opened it.

"Your marks are consistently good. You have topped Charms, Transfiguration, Arithmancy, Ancient Runes, History of Magic, and Herbology and have got one of the highest marks in Defense Against the Dark Arts, Astronomy, and Potions," She closed a file and set her glasses down, "So what is it that you want to do?" Myra fiddled with a splinter sticking out from the desk.

"I-I was thinking of becoming a professor," She muttered.

"Professor?" McGonagall asked, "Are you sure?" Myra nodded, "Well, professors have to be good with children, firm. You shouldn't bend to their every will."

"I know, Professor."

"For which subject."

"I was considering Charms." McGonagall let out a sigh.

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