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In the morning, Myra didn't want to wake up immediately. She felt warm and comforted all over and she didn't want the feeling to leave. However, there was a harsh click, light flashing behind her closed eyelids, and sharp hushes. Myra's eyes snapped open and she saw three boys leaning over her with a camera held up, the bulb still smoking.

"Good morning!" Peter said cheerfully. "How did you sleep?" It was then that Myra decided that Peter was a bit crueler than she would've thought.

"Why do you even ask, Wormy?" Sirius said, smirking at Myra. "It's obvious that she slept very well. So well that if she doesn't get out of bed, we will miss the train that takes us home." Myra gave him a small frown, her grip around Remus tightening just the slightest.

"But I don't want to!" She whined, burying her head in Remus' chest, hearing the others let out loud laughs. Remus' chest vibrated as he laughed along, placing a few kisses on the top of her head.

Once the laughs died down and Myra grudgingly started to get out of the bed, James spoke up. "You didn't do anything, did you?" Myra tilted her head to the side, eyebrows furrowed. It seems as if Remus was also confused because James sighed in exasperation. "Why am I asking? I'm dealing with the two most innocent members of both groups. Never mind. Go get ready."

Myra practically sprinted back to her dorm. If what Sirius said was right, they only had around an hour before the train would leave. Of course, she didn't think that the train would leave without its five passengers. It didn't help to be prepared.

After her shower, she wore a white tank top and black pants. After slipping on a dark green overshirt, she grabbed her packed trunk and dashed out of the Gryffindor Tower. When she got to the Hospital Wing, the boys were all ready and standing around Remus' bed. He was holding on to the frame of the bed, getting to his feet.

"Have you packed your trunks?" James asked the group. They nodded, Peter moving forward to help Remus to his feet. "Toothbrush? School books? Wand?" Sirius rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, mum." Myra laughed at the indignant and offended look on James' face.

"Me? Why are you calling me mum? Shouldn't Moony be the designated mum of the group?" James pointed feebly at Remus, who carefully made his way to Myra.

"Well, to be fair, Remus is the one who stays up late studying and I've seen you drag him off to your dorms so he doesn't stay up all night," Myra stated, feeling Remus drape an arm over her shoulders and lean against her for balance. "I'd say that you would be the 'designated mum', as you put it."

James huffed, going over to his trunk and hoisting it off the ground. "Fine. You guys are horrible. Make sure you get to the train on time." At their pointed looks, he huffed again and walked out of the Hospital Wing.

They all let out laughs. Sirius and Peter held their trunks in their hands. After asking Myra for hers (despite her stating that she would take it herself), Sirius held her trunk in his other hand and walked out. Before Peter left, Madame Pomfrey had asked to speak to Myra, so she helped Remus go to Peter and turned to Madame Pomfrey.

"Yes, Madame Pomfrey?" She asked, hands clasped in front of her.

"I know that this may dampen your mood, but I need to talk to you about the day Mr. Lupin tried to . . . end his life." Myra looked down. "From that height, he shouldn't have been able to survive. When I looked over Mr. Lupin, he sustained fewer injuries than I thought he would."

"Where are you getting at, Madame Pomfrey?"

"I heard from Professor Flitwick that you were talented in charms and that you could advance to your seventh year. Did you have something in slowing down his descent?" Myra fiddled with her thumbs.

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