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Warning (wow, I haven't done a warning in a while): mention of death, blood, and verbal abuse


While they staggered through the streets (Alice didn't want to risk apparating while Lily was this drunk), the feeling of someone's eyes on her didn't go away. She didn't want to voice it out, in case it made the others wary as well. She, however, kept a hand in her pocket.

Just in case.

They walked onto the street with the Potter mansion and Myra felt the dread increase. The hair on the back of her neck was standing up and her heartbeat increased. The wind shifted, blowing her hair in her face. Dogs along the street started to bark and that's when she turned around again.

Empty street.

"Myyyra?" Lily asked slowly and with a pout. "Wha'ss wrooong?" Myra put on a small smile.

"Nothing, Lily. Let's get you to James' place quickly so you can lie down." Lily cheered and clapped her hands.

"Yay! We're going to Jamesie!"


Myra noted to tell James that Lily was a kiddy-drunk.

They neared the familiar building and she sighed in relief. They would make it. Nothing's wrong. Alice knocked on the door and Aunt Euphemia opened it in her nightgown.

"Oh, dear!" She exclaimed, her eyes going to Lily's figure. "What happened?" Myra chuckled.

"Just drunk. Can we bring her inside?"

"Of course, of course!"

They walked inside and Myra carefully placed Lily down on one of the couches, ignoring her whiny protests, while Alice and Marlene sat in another.

"I'll go make some coffee for her. Do any of you want some?" As they shook their heads, Myra thought she saw something fly by the window.

It must be a bat.

Please let it be a bat.

Aunt Euphemia gave them a kind smile and hurried to the kitchen, where Myra could hear her start to make the coffee. Lily's whines were apparently so loud that they drew the attention of James, who stumbled down the stairs, rubbing his eyes.

"What's going on?" He blearily asked as Lily squealed in her chair, making grabbing motions with her hands.

"Jamesie!" James looked at Lily in confusion before looking at Myra.

"Lily?" He said warily, making the girl squeal again. He sat down next to her and let her throw her arms around him and plant a kiss on his cheek. "What's wrong with her?"

"Drunk," Alice said simply, making Myra glance at Marlene. She hadn't said a word since they came home, her eyes stormy and dark. She sat rigid on the sofa, her arms and legs crossed. Myra looked at her curiously as she barely blinked, her lips pursed. When Aunt Euphemia came back with the drink, Marlene stood up abruptly.

"I'm going to go. I'll see you lot later." Ignoring their protests, she went to the door and swiftly left, leaving the others stunned.

"Where's Maarss?" Lily asked, crossing her arms. "She left!" Alice glanced at Myra and saw her worry.

"Should we let her go—" Myra cut Alice off.

"You go to her, see if she apparated. I think she'd be walking. Make sure she's not alone. I'll stay here with Lily." Alice nodded and dashed to the door, muttering a quick goodbye to Aunt Euphemia.

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