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A/N: Title may seem weird or inconsequential huh? Well y'see I actually pulled a sneaky one but I'm guessing no one will get it until much later. I'm planning on increasing the chapter sizes. May not be the next one but they will get much bigger later on. 

"Why aren't you training with your dad, huh Naruto?" Sasuke asked as the two sparred. A few weeks of training had passed and Sasuke now felt confident talking to Naruto completely. Naruto stayed silent focusing on the fight in front of him. "Huh? Dobe? I asked you a question," Sasuke said whilst aggressively rushing towards Naruto. Naruto silently took advantage of the manoeuvre and pushed Sasuke backwards. Itachi raised his hand signifying to stop.

"Sasuke, you're overconfident," Itachi said simply.

"Nii-chan, I just wanted to ask Naruto a question," Sasuke replied.

"I don't know," Naruto said suddenly. He stared at the ground, "I don't know why Tou-san doesn't want to train me." Tears began welling in his eyes, "I-I'm too selfish. Why can't I accept that Karah is just better than me?"
Sasuke stopped smirking and stared at his friend. Itachi slowly walked over to Naruto and put a hand on his shoulder.

"What happened?" he asked.

"That day, when we first met. Why were you crying then?" Itachi had been training Naruto for around a week at this point and yet he still hadn't asked.

"I-I've been training on my own f-f-forever a-and I just wanted to show h-him. I've been watching him train Karah secretly and I've been learning f-from him. I work so hard and I just w-want to show him. He tells me he doesn't care- he just wants to work with Karah. I'm useless. I'm not even worthy of being in the family."

"You said... ''When we first met, I was your first friend," said Sasuke slowly.

"You heard that?" Naruto still didn't look up. Itachi frowned. 'What is the Hokage thinking, treating his son like this? Calling him useless? He's one of the most gifted prodigies I have ever witnessed alongside Sasuke! So that was why he is so insecure.' Itachi sighed and then smiled softly.

"Maybe I should have a word with that stupid Hokage," Sasuke thought aloud.

"No! Don't call him that!" Naruto yelled, anger overtaking his sadness, "He's the greatest shinobi to ever live. Don't call him stupid!" Sasuke looked shocked at the outburst before settling on indifference.

"Whatever dobe. Anyway shall we get on with training?" Itachi nodded in response and training began yet again, this time in awkward silence.

Naruto returned that day to the sound of Karah and his father arguing. Willingly unseen and ignored like normal, he returned to his room and listened to the argument as he sat in the corner of his dark bedroom. Naruto's room had not changed since he was a baby. The walls were still grey, the only light source came in the form a small window that was too high up for Naruto to see out of and Naruto's only "bed" was the cot he had. The only thing that had changed was his favourite toy that had been permanently moved into Karah's large bedroom.

"You are slacking off in your training Karah!" Naruto heard Minato yell.

"So what! I don't need to work as hard as you're telling me to!" replied Karah.

"Do not scream at your father!" Kushina butted in.

"What are we having for dinner?" Naruko asked quietly.

"Karah you wish to become Hokage so you have to train hard! It's that simple!" yelled Minato.

"At least I work harder than Naruto!" a small pause was heard. Minato lowered his voice.

"We both know Naruto is useless and lazy. He's not cut out for training. He lacks the power, potential and grit that you have," Naruto didn't even react when he heard his father say this.

"I just think you don't love me!" Karah screamed. Another pause was heard.

"Don't even joke about that," Kushina said calmly. Naruto heard Karah breathe in and out.

"I apologise," she said much calmer.

"Thank you for that," Minato said.

"You love Karah-nii more than Naruto right?!" Naruko blurted out. Naruto sat up.

"Of course," Kushina said without hesitation. Soon laughter refilled downstairs as Naruto slumped down again, recalling the conversation.

"Of course," he said to himself quietly.

"Remember to revise your scrolls!" Minato said as Karah finally decided to return upstairs. Karah groaned as Naruto's ears once again perked up.

"Scrolls?" he thought aloud before his drowsiness got the better of him and he succumbed to sleep.

Naruto's face hit the ground.

"Sasuke is victorious," Itachi stated and Sasuke proudly grinned as he picked Naruto off the ground.

"I win again huh?" he said.

"I've been training with both of you for only a few months now and you've been training with him for more than a year!" Naruto replied playfully, "One day I'll beat you for real!"
"I don't think so dobe!" Sasuke pointed at his eye, "When I get my Sharingan, you'll stand less of a chance than you do now!"

"Well when I get my Sharingan, I'll beat you too!" Naruto proclaimed.

"You can't get the Sharingan! You're not an Uchiha!"

"Am too!"

"You are LITERALLY not!"

"You said I was your brother!" Sasuke sighed at the look of genuine confusion on Naruto's face.

"Ugh! You're useless, you know that?" Sasuke looked again at Naruto only to be met by a look of sadness.

"Yeah," Naruto said quietly, his grin having fully disappeared. Itachi decided to step in.

"Naruto, come with me," he took Naruto's arm and brought him over to a small tree away from Sasuke, "Are you alright?"
"... I'm useless," Naruto said sadly. Itachi bent down to Naruto's level and slightly lifted his head.
"You're not useless. You know Sasuke was joking," Itachi said gently.

"Everyone says it," Naruto replied.

"Who's everyone?" Naruto stared up at Itachi and with a serious frown, looking at him in the eyes.

"Everyone." He once again looked down again at the ground, "Sorry for being annoying. I'll just leave."

"No, don't leave. I don't think you're annoying," said Itachi, with the same gentleness, "You're not useless either. I think you have incredible talent that surpasses even your sister."
"You think I'm better... than Karah-nii?" Naruto asked.

"I know you're better Naruto," reassured Itachi. Naruto once again smiled though this time, genuine. He then nervously pressed his two index fingers together.

"Itachi-sensei?" he asked. Itachi looked up curious, "Do you think... I could hug you?" Itachi nodded. He was shocked to find that as soon as the small child hugged him, the boy burst into tears. Itachi patted his head until his sobs faded.

"Thank you. I'm really sorry, it's just... that's the first time I've hugged anyone before," Naruto said sadly. Itachi hid his shock, "Well I mean, I had this toy called Mr Bear and I used to hug him but I was never allowed to hug my mom or dad and then Karah-nii took away Mr-" Naruto was interrupted by another hug from Itachi which silenced his ramblings.

"I'm sorry, Naruto."

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