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A/N: I know a lot of people hate me because of the last chapter... well... sorry :( 

Just don't judge the story as a whole because it really isn't finished yet. Like. At all.  Also FYI, the beginning of this chapter takes place before the events of the last, just if that isn't clear. This chapter is mostly just putting all the pieces in the right place so you can technically skip over it if you want. Next chapters gonna be CRAZY tho. Hope you enjoy :)


Itachi hopped from tree branch to tree branch. He was moving further than he had intended to from the village. He felt the rain begin to patter more heavily on his neck. He was annoyed with himself.

'Things are finally back to how they should be. I'm back with my team. And yet...' Itachi shook his head. 'Again, I flee at the mention of his name. Like a child. I'm like a child.'

He continued to stray further and further from the village, not turning back despite his better judgement.

'I should be ashamed of myself. It's been how many years and I still can't get over it.'

He finally stopped moving. He paused on a lone tree-branch, high above the ground. Below him was a small puddle. From the height he was at, Itachi could barely peer into it. When he did he was met by the sight of his reflection.

"I really am pathetic," he said aloud to himself.

Naruto and Sasuke played happily in the grounds of the Uchiha compound. Itachi watched from the veranda with a small smile on his face. He was surprised they still had the energy to move let alone play after the training they had done. 5-year-olds work in mysterious ways. Seemingly limitless energy.

'I should probably get to training,' Itachi told himself. He tried to get up. The sound of laughter from Sasuke and Naruto stopped him. He relaxed, 'I guess a few more minutes relaxing won't hurt anyone.'

In the game the two were playing, Naruto was the Fourth Hokage and Sasuke was playing the role of a strong ninja from a neighbouring village. Naruto always demanded to be the Fourth Hokage in all their games. Sasuke always shrugged and let him. He was his dad after all. The situation started out as a serious competition but quickly devolved into something more suitably childish. Like how all their games went, the two played until they ran out of energy and had to sit down on the floor.

Naruto groaned as he lay down.

"I'm so tired!" complained Naruto. Sasuke chuckled and sat down next to him.

"I guess I won the game then," he said with a smirk on his face. Naruto frowned and sat up.

"Of course not, The Fourth Hokage never loses!"

"Oh? Do you want to get up and prove it?" Naruto tried and failed to get up, ending up falling back onto the floor. He sighed.

"Well the REAL Fourth Hokage never loses!" he exclaimed. Sasuke laughed.

"Yeah, yeah," he smiled at Naruto's antics. He was a truly obsessive fan of his father, "So the Mizukage I was playing as died then?" Naruto nodded.

"Yeah!" Sasuke laughed again.

"That wouldn't happen. The Mizukage is WAY stronger than that lousy Fourth Hokage." Naruto immediately shot up, a huge scowl on his face.

"What?! Are you stupid? The Fourth Hokage is the greatest and strongest ninja of all time! Isn't that true, Itachi-sensei?" Itachi raised his head, not expecting to be brought into this argument.

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