Uchiha Reunion

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A/N: Hell yeah, I'm not dead! Just taking a much-needed break. Hopefully, I'll go back to uploading daily and then keep up that momentum for my next project but don't keep your hopes up, I know I'm not. There are some parts of this I might edit later but I like it a lot better than my last. Also, in a previous chapter (like 30 ago or something lol) I said that Naruto had gotten rid of his inferiority complex. Welp. I lied. Orrrr you could say that I misdirected. Anyways, that doesn't really matter. As a wise man once said, "Mesa Back!" Hope you enjoy :)


Sasuke sat on the veranda of the Uchiha residence. He did nothing. His arms lay motionless by his side. He was in a terrible mood. Itachi and Sakura had gone on a mission and left him and Karah. Obviously Karah started begging and begging for him to 'be her friend again' and he, once again, exploded and yelled at her. She'd run off but had kept coming back, bugging him again and again. He was tired and annoyed by it all. In front of him was a wide-open space with a huge body of water in the middle of it. He used to train by that lake. He used to perform his fireball jutsu over the clear water. He used to do it beside-


Sasuke didn't react to the voice and kept looking into the middle distance motionlessly. He could sense there was someone standing to his left, just out of his peripheral vision but he didn't care enough to look.

"Hey, Sasuke."

The voice was familiar although vastly alien. It was manly and deep yet held the innocence of a young child. It had been a quiet, soft murmur. It sounded like it was unconfident yet used to pretending to be confident. Sasuke groaned. He really wasn't in the mood for socialising.

"Look, I'm not-" Sasuke turned his head slightly and saw the figure that was next to him. He froze. His mouth hung agape. Sasuke recognised him instantly. Even though he looked so different, Sasuke knew that it was him as soon as he saw him. Naruto stood by him. He was much taller and bulkier than Sasuke yet also much thinner than when Sasuke had seen him last. He shuddered.

'A-am I hallucinating?' he thought. He still didn't have control of his mouth. Naruto walked over in silence and sat himself down next to Sasuke and looked to where he had been previously looking.

"Sumimasen, Sasuke." Naruto's apology was quiet and polite. Sasuke finally got control of himself.

"N-Naruto?!" Sasuke managed to get the word out. Naruto looked down in shame.

"I know you don't want to talk to me. I understood that a long time ago," he said calmly. It obviously took a lot of effort for him to speak like this "But I've been given a second chance at life. I would never forgive myself if I didn't get to talk to you again."

Sasuke found that his lip was quivering.

"W-what?" he mustered. He had meant to ask the question casually but it came out more as a whisper. Naruto continued, not hearing him.

"Sasuke, you were my brother. I know you don't see me the same but I have to tell you," he sighed, thinking of what to say, "If you don't already know, my allegiance was never with the Akatsuki," Naruto turned himself to face Sasuke and bowed his head, "But that does not excuse my actions... I'm sorry, Sasuke. You do not have to forgive me. I know you do not wish to talk to me."

Naruto brought himself up and began slowly walking away. Sasuke pulled himself together.

"WAIT!" he called out desperately. Naruto turned around. Sasuke noticed that one of his eyes was covered with bandages. He didn't allow himself to become unfocused though, "C-come back."

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