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A/N: The Akatsuki are basically my favourite villains ever. The idea is so perfect I do not think I can do it justice at all. But I will try and I may fail. If I do just remember I am but a lowly human on Wattpad trying to write a fanfic. Anyway, a lot happens in this chapter and I hope you enjoy :)

Naruto had lost track of time while he was in Obito's hideout. He knew it couldn't have been longer than a month but he had been inside training hard for so long, he had forgotten what the sun felt like. He had only seen Zetsu in his time there and he never explored further than his "room". His room was dark and grimy with the only thing allowing it to even be qualified as a room was the huge metal door. All it's walls were made of black rocks. Naruto could hardly believe that the cave system in which the hideout was completely natural but focused on more pressing issues such as his training. Naruto had returned to sleeping and eating normally 11 months ago when he had begun thinking rationally again. He wasn't really working towards anything. Naruto had finished all of his scrolls a long time ago and so focused on simple physical training and incorporating his jutsus into muscle memory. Naruto himself couldn't gauge his skill against anyone else so did not view himself as strong or weak. After months of mental training, Naruto had finally gotten free of his deep-seated inferiority complex. Naruto did not have an intangible need to get stronger however but instead had 1 main motivation. The motivation that got him through his year of isolation.

Zetsu walked into his room and watched for a moment as Naruto practiced his jutsu.
"We're going early in the morning. Be ready," he said frankly before slithering away, shutting the door. Naruto did not respond but took heed of his words. 'I take it we finally have an audience with a member of the Akatsuki. About time,' Naruto thought as he eventually stopped his training. He got ready to go to sleep but decided against it as he instead walked to his door. Naruto walked through the hideout without resistance and eventually found his way out of the cave. He was greeted by a forest lit up by the moonlight. Naruto sat down underneath the sky and looked up to it. He intently watched the beautiful stars. He was pulled out of his trance when Zetsu made his presence known to him with a slight cough. Naruto winced slightly to signify he heard Zetsu but kept his gaze on the sky.

"What are you doing?" Zetsu said uninterestedly.

"They get closer everyday."
"Huh?" Naruto brought his gaze towards Zetsu.

"The stars." Naruto got up and walked back into the cave.

"I don't understand you, brat," Zetsu sighed as he followed him.

Itachi was hesitant to visit the Namikaze compound but after an eternity of nagging from his pupil, he eventually conceded. Team 9 and Itachi-sensei made their way to the Namikaze compound as the sun shone brightly upon them. They were graciously let in by Hau as Karah led the way for her team. Sasuke trudged behind them still hiding the fact that he had grown incredibly attached over the past 2 years. As the team walked into the house they were greeted warmly by Kushina.

"Good morning Karah, Sakura, Sas- I'll just say Team 9," laughed Kushina. "Nii-san!" Naruko yelled happily as she ran towards her sister. Karah embraced her in a hug. The rest of Team 9 smiled at the sight and walked into the house.

"How's the academy Naruko-nii?" Karah asked as she was rapidly brought into her sister's room.

"I'm going to be genin soon! Nii-san teach me some jutsu!" yelled Naruko. The rest of the group heard her voice ebb away into the distance.

"Sakura, Sasuke, go with her," Itachi said softly. Sakura nodded and Sasuke followed Sakura with his hands in his pockets.

"Still hard to believe they're chuunin now isn't it?" asked Kushina.
"They were the top 3 in the exams," Itachi commented as he recalled in his mind the events of the exam.

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