Naruto Uzumaki

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A/N: Naruto's character may seem a little inconsistent in these recent chapters as I discovered while re-reading them over. It makes sense in my head so I'll just directly say my thoughts here: Naruto's mental state is deteriorating but not in the "I'm the Joker, I'm crazy" way (even if that kinda happens) but more in the 'extremely tired, slower at thinking, slower at perceiving, perceiving wrong' way. Naruto, in this fic, has always been screwed up mentally as anyone would if put in his situation at such a young age. I hope this explains his current and later actions if you were having trouble understanding. That wouldn't be surprising considering I thought it so vague I need to clarify in an overly long A/N. Hope you enjoy :)

Minato and Karah sat down at Ichiraku Ramen, happily laughing as Karah explained the events of the mission to her father. Ayame walked up to the counter and beamed at them.

"Another mission completed?" Ayame asked happily as Teuchi also appeared behind her. Minato nodded.

"Yes, two ramen's please and thank you," Minato said, a smile still on his face as he bowed.

"You don't need to be so polite with us Hokage-sama!" Ayame said nervously as Teuchi got the ramen ready.

"We're just so thankful for your amazing food," Karah said with a grin as she raised her chopsticks into the air. Teuchi laughed as he handed two bowls to his customers.

"Why not bring the whole family next time Hokage-sama? It's been a while since I've seen Kushina or little Naruko," Ayame commented as she watched the two savagely eat their ramen.

"But Naruto came around a while ago didn't he?" Teuchi commented. Minato looked up from his bowl, his smile growing less friendly.

"He was so tuckered out, he slept for 3 days in the spare room! He was so adorable," said Ayame as Minato put his bowl down. Karah ignored the conversation.

"When was this?" he asked seriously.

"I think it was on Karah's birthday. Ask Kakashi, he was there," Ayame said as she and her father remained oblivious to Minato's seriousness.

"I will," Minato stated and stood up. Karah finished her ramen and followed. "Thank you very much." Minato said and bowed, with less happiness than before.

"Tou-san," Karah said concerned as she walked with an obviously angry Minato.

"That brat has been using his name to get whatever he wants," Minato muttered quietly with a slight venom. Karah's eyes slightly widened at her father's anger.

"Just ignore the brat, he's useless!" Karah said trying to brighten up her dad. Minato merely nodded. Then he disappeared (teleported), leaving Karah by herself. She frowned to herself before silently cursing at Naruto. She rarely got to see her father and now his issues were separating them even further. There's nothing Karah hated more than feeling neglected by her family.

Naruto walked into the kitchen to find Naruko waiting for him at the table. Naruto walked up to the cupboard in silence and was caught off guard as Naruko ran up towards him. He braced himself for a punch but was instead caught in a hug. Naruto looked down shocked and then returned the hug.

"What was that for?" Naruto asked, surprised at how deep his voice had gotten.

"Just for being here, y'know!" giggled Naruko. Naruto smiled. He looked much better than he had previously. Thanks to Naruko's help, he had been convinced to start sleeping again and eating regularly.

"Thank you," he murmured as he got out a cup of instant ramen.

"What for?" Naruko asked, watching her brother heat his food up.

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