Naruko Namikaze

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A/N: Working on new stories :D but dw I'm still going to finish this one, I PROMISE. Hope you enjoy this one :)


Team 6 continued on their way back to Konoha in silence. Naruko trailed behind them, still holding her brother over her shoulder. They had been travelling for quite a while now and the sun was beginning to set. When the group were about to set up camp for the night Konohamaru noticed a nearby village and the team decided to stay there instead. The town, while small, shared similarities with Konoha. One of the more noticeable ones being that it was rebuilding. Talking off-handedly to a few locals at the inn that Team 6 had decided to stay at, Neji discovered that a couple of months ago the village was mostly burnt down. He noticed that the timing of the events made it out that this village was destroyed only a month before Konoha but he brushed off the fact as coincidence.

Naruko took Naruto into a separate room from her team and still refused to speak to them. She lay him out on a bed and sat herself on the one next to him. This was not how she expected this mission to go.

In a neighbouring room, the rest of Team 6 were having a conversation.

"This is stupid! I don't care if he's her brother! He left the village and his family!" Konohamaru said, ignoring his sensei's orders to whisper.
"He was disowned anyway, he's not even her brother anymore," Hanabi reasoned. Neji sat in front of them, thinking to himself what the best course of action was.

"He's Naruto of the Akatsuki!" Konohamaru now whispered, not wanting to cause mass hysteria to all around him, "He's dangerous!"

"Naruko said that isn't true," responded Hanabi, playing devil's advocate. She looked down at her hands sadly, "I just don't want to make Naruko feel sad..."

"That's my main issue," Neji finally spoke up, "I know that I should kill him but I don't want Naruko to have to watch," he sighed, "But Naruko's going to stay by his side watching over him no matter what so I won't have an opportunity. But if I wait too long then he might wake up and kill us all!"

"If only anybody else had found him. Then we wouldn't be having to deal with this situation," Hanabi pouted. She didn't enjoy this topic at all.

"Destiny works in mysterious ways," Neji stroked his chin. A sudden knock was heard at the door and the occupants of the room all jumped in surprise. The door opened and a man walked in.

"Hello ninjas of Konoha, " he bowed, "I am Tomura, the leader of this town. I wanted to thank you for all the work your village has done to help rebuild ours even amidst your own struggle. You are welcome to stay here as long as you like."

Neji stood up and reciprocated the bow, "We appreciate your kindness and thank you. We will only be staying the night before we have to return to Konoha."

Tomura had a sudden sense of deja vu but ignored it. He looked around the room.

"Uh, don't ninja squads usually come in groups of 4?" inquired Tomura, noticing the number of people in the room. Neji chuckled.

"Yes, our fourth member is in another room," he responded. Konohamaru jumped up.

"I can get Naruko if you want." Tomura's eyes widened before he shook himself and chuckled.

"I'm sorry, I thought you said something else for a second there," he laughed again, "Thank you, that would be great. I would like to give my appreciation to all of you."

"No problem," Konohamaru walked to the door but was stopped by Neji's hand.
"I'll go," he said softly and walked out of the door.

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