The Birth of a Team

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A/N: The action will start soon I promise. Well soon relatively speaking. Hope you're enjoying it so far :)

"Team 9 consists of: Sasuke Uchiha," Naruto's ears pricked up at the sound of his friend's name. He shot him a friendly glance which Sasuke turned away from. 'I wonder if I'm gonna be with Sasuke. I at least hope to get trained by Itachi-sensei. I wonder why they're not talking to me?' thought Naruto, as he looked back to Iruka, reading the names.

"Sakura Haruno and Karah Namikaze," finished Iruka. Naruto sighed, 'Of course, Karah's luck landed her the best training partner.'

"They will be led by the jonin Itachi Uchiha, head to the roof now," Iruka ordered as the team left the room. 'And she's taught by Itachi-sensei! I should go to wish her good luck, maybe I'll talk to Sasuke as well!' Naruto walked to catch up to them but was halted by a glare from Karah. Naruto nervously rubbed the back of his neck.

"Uhh, good luck Karah-nii!" he said awkwardly grinning while giving a thumbs up. Karah simply groaned and left.

"Hey Sasuke!" Naruto called. He was ignored, "Uh, g-good luck too!"

"Geez that guy's annoying, shut up, will you?" Sakura screamed. Naruto went back and sat down in his seat. A few minutes passed before Iruka returned to the room with a new list of names.

"Team 10 consists of: Hinata Hyuga, Rock Lee and Naruto Namikaze," announced Iruka as the final 3 genin stood up happily. Hinata nervously poked her fingers together as she looked at Naruto. 'Naruto-kun is on my team,' she thought before turning a slight red, 'I'm so happy!'.


"And you will be led by the jonin-"

"Might Guy! ME!!" shouted Might Guy as he pulled the door open suddenly making Hinata jump.

"You were waiting out there just to do that weren't you?" Iruka asked with a tired expression on his face.

"YES!" Might Guy shouted once again as he jumped atop a table, "Greetings my little genin! I am very glad to meet all of you!"

"GREETINGS GUY-SENSEI!" shouted Lee and stood tall to attention like a soldier.

"Of course Lee! We are already acquainted but, what about your friends here?" Might Guy's hyper-masculine voice and corny demeanor were tiring Naruto out almost as much as Lee's was. 'These guys aren't even related! How are they so similar?' Naruto thought.

"I've had an idea!" yelled Guy-sensei.

"What is it?" Lee asked intently.

"I'm just gonna go," Iruka said as he left the class, ignored by both Might Guy and Lee.

"My eternal rival, Kakashi Hatake, told me a game to play to introduce the Genins to each other!" Guy proclaimed every word with exaggerated gestures that Lee watched intently.

"W-what's the game?" Hinata asked nervously. Every few seconds she would shoot a glance at a noticeably tired Naruto.

"The game is simple: You say your name, your likes, your dislikes (if you want to) and then say your ambition!"

"That's a game?" Naruto said skeptically.

"Everything is a game if you like fun!" Guy said enthusiastically. 'I don't understand his logic,' Naruto thought.

"I will start!" Guy stated, "My name is Might Guy or Guy-Sensei or Guy or... anyway, my likes include training, physical training, mental training and training against my eternal rival! My dislikes include those who do not help their comrades in times of darkness and my ambition is to beat my eternal rival!"

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