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A/N: This chapter may be a little too condensed. Apart from that, I feel like the story is coming along quite nicely. Hope you enjoy :)

"Excellent work Naruto!" Guy commended as Naruto stood up victorious from his spar with Lee. Naruto smiled before helping Lee up.

"You're youthful my eternal rival! One day I will surpass you!" proclaimed Lee to which Naruto laughed in response.

"I'm sure of it," Naruto said, "Thank you my friend for training with me. I don't know what I'd do without you guys!". Hinata watched from the side, next to Guy-sensei. She was smiling happily. 'Naruto-kun wins again. He's so strong. It's all the training we do together.'

"Next, you will fight Naruto, Hinata!" Guy said and Hinata jumped. She instantly became red.

"F-fight N-naruto-kun?" she sputtered out. Naruto grinned at her.

"Come on Hinata, it will be fun! We're best friends!" Hinata became redder, "Bushy Brow told me that you promised to never be powerless again! I think that's really, really cool so let's fight!"

'R-really cool?' Hinata thought and slowly started swaying from side to side as if ready to faint. Suddenly an ANBU nin appeared and nodded at Guy. Guy's smile faded and he nodded seriously in response.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Hokage-sama wishes to talk with Naruto Namikaze," the ANBU stated. Naruto's face lit up.

"Tou-san wants to speak with me!" Naruto celebrated, "I wonder if he's gonna congratulate me about the mission!" The rest of the team smiled at his enthusiasm. "Tou-san... talking to me!" Naruto said more quietly in an ecstatic voice. It was clear that he didn't mean to be heard. 'I mean he congratulates Karah-nii after every mission, no matter what! Finally, he'll talk to me! Maybe he'll even compliment me!' Naruto smiled one of his happiest smiles in his life and bowed to the ANBU. "Thank you so much, I'll be right there!" He said and enthusiastically ran towards the Hokage Tower.

"You three," the ANBU said and the rest looked at him, "I have news of a new Hokage's decree."

Naruto entered his father's office with a massive smile on his face and quickly walked in front of his father's desk and bowed.

"Tou-san!" he happily said, ignoring Minato's cold eyes. 'I've waited so long for this! Tou-san's finally gonna talk to me and say nice things!'

"I have read over the mission report-" Minato began, ignoring Naruto's enthusiasm. Naruto beamed, "And I must say I am disappointed in you." Naruto blinked. "That you would endanger your teammates like that is irresponsible and reckless. Your stupidity almost cost the lives of your squad and your annoying nature almost aggravated your attacker into harming your team." Naruto's smile slowly faded. "You are not fit for the title of genin, you are to be demoted." All that remained on Naruto's face was a ghost of a smile. "Your position on Team 10 will be replaced and you will be re-enrolled in the Academy until you can next take the genin exams. You are dismissed." Minato took Naruto's headband and returned to his paperwork without even looking at Naruto. Naruto kept up a small smile even as the headband he had worked so hard for was torn off his head, little strands of his hair going with it.

"Yes, Hokage-sama," he replied and slowly turned around and left the room. As he left the Hokage Tower, he noticed Karah walking in the direction, Naruto had come from.

"Hey, weakling what are you doing in Dad's office?" Karah said until she noticed the missing headband and burst out laughing, "Finally demoted huh? It was only a matter of time! Hahahaha!"

"Hey Karah-nii, that's not nice," Naruto said weakly. Karah scowled at her brother.

"Y'know what's not nice? You. Tarnishing my reputation as a future Hokage. Being a useless embarrassment to the family. Being a weakling. Naruto you need to remember your place. As you are no longer a genin, I am now Karah-sama to you." With the final sentence, a smirk overtook Karah's face.

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