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A/N: WORLD RECORD FOR THE SMALLEST CHAPTER OF ALL TIME! In all seriousness, I'm going to go on a short break (hopefully only a day or two) and I wanted to get this out as quickly as possible. I'm working on a few other stories rn but also I wanted to just clear my head a little. These last few chapters were HARD to write. I'll get an update out soon but I didn't want you guys thinking that Naruto was gonna stay dead forever XD Hope you enjoy :)


Naruto's lone eye shot open. He found that he couldn't move. He was lying on a cold, stony table. Above him was a collection of beautiful stalactites that somehow radiated a brilliant blue light. He was back inside Obito's hideout but in a room he had never been in before. He was laid out on a surgeon's table and something was covering up a side of his face. He tried to think back to what was happening before. All he accomplished was giving himself a headache. He gave up and lay back, resigned to his fate. Motionless, he waited as Obito bustled into view. He was fiddling with something on a desk next to him. His lips felt cold and clammy. With deliberate effort he exhaled through them. He felt the wind brush against his mouth.

"I'm... alive?" he said in disbelief. Obito turned to him.

"Yes, Zetsu used a part of his body to repair all of the damage to your brain," he said off-handedly, "But he couldn't fix your eye."

Naruto pulled himself to sit up. He put a hand to the covered up side of his face. Then he put it down on his leg.

"I'm alive," Naruto repeated. His eye stung.

"Yes, and now your little prophecy is fulfilled we get to my plan," Obito said eagerly. Naruto turned to him slowly.

"It worked?" he asked. Obito facepalmed and groaned.

"You don't remember much, do you? Getting half your face messed up does that. Trust me," Obito returned to whatever he was doing on his desk. Naruto swallowed. His throat and stomach felt strange.

"So the prophecy was fulfilled?" he said with difficulty, "And I'm still here?"

Obito nodded, "Great, isn't it? Now we can both work to achieving my goal."

Obito continued his eager ramblings not realizing that Naruto had spaced out. He stared at his hands in deep thought.

'After all this... I'm still here? Stuck in this hellish reality? Even after the Prophecy was fulfilled? What left is there for me to do?' Naruto's eyes looked up to where Obito was standing. He was so innocent in his strange twisted way. All he wanted was for everyone to be happy. He truly was the hero of his own story. 'But he is still a villain,' Naruto thought sadly to himself. He pulled himself up from the table, a solemn and sombre expression on his face. He walked up toward Obito. He towered over him, being much bigger in size. Obito glanced over to him, confusion etched onto his face.

"I am sorry Obito. You were too pure for this world."

Zetsu heard a crash from the room. He walked in reluctantly.

"What did you do this time-" He froze. In front of him was Obito's body, with Naruto standing over him. "What the- What did you do?" Zetsu yelled at Naruto. His eye seemed to be glazed over. He looked down at the body of Obito with slight regret.

"I'm sorry, my friend," he looked up at Zetsu, "But I am not sorry for you," Zetsu took a step back and Naruto began to advance toward him, "You are a monster."

In a split-second Zetsu was dead, his head having been blasted off of his body. Naruto had moved so fast that it looked like he had not moved at all. He sighed tiredly and moved over toward the table which he had woken up on. He lay himself out on it.

'I did everything how I was meant to. The Prophecy was fulfilled. And yet...' Naruto clenched his fist. He slammed it down by his side.

"I'M STILL HERE!!" he screamed out in rage, "WHY AM I STILL HERE?"

Naruto couldn't hold it back anymore. He fell off the table and began to uncontrollably sob onto the floor.

"I THOUGHT IT WAS OVER!!" his voice grew hoarse, "I THOUGHT I COULD FINALLY GO TO HEAVEN! I THOUGHT I COULD FINALLY-" Naruto's voice broke and he was forced to quieten, "-be free."

A calm look overtook his face. He exhaled and put his sadness behind him. He slowly got up and walked out of the room.


A/N: Y'all if you guys have read the ending of AOT (SPOILERS) Isayama just totally ripped me off😂 man has legit all the same plot twists as me. Ofc I'm joking but still it's crazy how the ending is kinda like a carbon copy of mine. Idk how I feel about it to be honest because as someone who wrote this, I feel like my whole story was building to this plot twist whereas his felt forced and introduced at the last second, feeling slightly unearned. But then again that's just my opinion. Keep reading, this A/N was edited in over a year after this story was published btw lmao

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