Fulfilled (Part Two)

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A/N: PART TWO OF THREE. I hope this one adds a bit more insight to a part of the story that I mostly skipped over. Anyway Part Three is going to be the crazy one so you better prepare. I'm gonna try and update soon. Thank you for all the kind words and messages. So far I still haven't seen a correct theory on how the story is gonna play out but I've seen someone be close. Anyway, hope you enjoy :)


"And so born from the ashes was a new man. The story of Naruto Namikaze is finished. Now for the story of Naruto Uzumaki."

Naruto and the rest of the setting disappeared out of view and the group were once again absorbed by the black void.

When their feet rested on solid ground again, they found themselves in one of the training grounds of the Academy, far away from any visible life.

"Where you find yourself now is the home of Naruto Uzumaki."

Minato's eyes widened with shock. He bent down and felt the sturdy cold mud beneath him.

"And that is his bed."

Minato almost chuckled at how painfully awful the whole situation was getting. In some dark twisted way, it was almost funny. A cold wind began to blow as a still small and sickly-looking Naruto trudged his way to the ground. Slowly and with pain and tiredness in each of his movements, Naruto began to start training.

"Oh my god..." Hinata's voice drifted away as she watched the sight. It was heart-rending.

"For his first few months of training Naruto Uzumaki had no real goal," spoke the voice, "He honestly had no idea why he kept going. Why he kept working himself until he collapsed. He convinced himself that it was for another chance to be genin; another chance for a family but that was not the truth. But it was good enough. It kept him from falling into insanity despite momentary lapses."
Seemingly on cue, Naruto screamed out. The group instantly looked at him with concern. Naruto acted as if nothing had happened. Then suddenly he began to jitter his head around. He began to mutter to himself. Most were indistinct and those that were heard didn't make much sense.

"Never forget, must forget, never forget, must forget, never forget-" Naruto whispered to himself quickly, caught in a loop. Then, as suddenly as he had started, he stopped and continued training in absolute silence.

"As I said these few months are completely uneventful. Naruto Uzumaki spent all of his time here and occasionally went back to get himself food when he desperately needed it. I think you've heard the extent of his talking as well. But when the year was finished and the Genin Exams were upon him, Naruto Uzumaki told himself that he was going to put this all behind him and become a ninja again."

The environment transitioned back to the Academy Classroom. It was filled to the brim with young students eager to participate in the exams so that they could become a ninja. Naruto sat behind all of them, staring out of the window. Slowly each child was called out of the class by Iruka until only Naruto remained. With an expression full of cautious hope, Naruto sat tapping his fingers awaiting his name to be called. It had been a few minutes that he had been alone in the room with Iruka in silence but Naruto could wait. He could be patient.

Iruka sighed and walked slowly up to Naruto. With each step he took the hope could be seen visibly leaving Naruto's face.

"Naruto- Uzumaki," Iruka said with difficulty. Naruto didn't even flinch. Iruka walked up to his student and put a hand on his shoulder. "Are you ok?" he asked. Naruto nodded. Iruka sighed as he got out a smaller piece of paper. "Naruto, I am sorry but it has been ordered that you not partake in this year's genin exam."

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