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A/N: I know I said I was taking a break but I just had to get this out because it was bugging me. But I swear I'm on my break now! Hopefully, everyone is doing well. Also (not really expecting an answer but) would you prefer my next story either by My Hero Academia, Naruto or maybe... Harry Potter ?? (Ik it's not anime but I thought of a cool story I would like to tell in that universe). IDK, Imma start working on my new story now and I want to know what people are thinking. Anyway, enough of that, hope you enjoy :)


Naruto lay against the entrance to the cave, exhausted. He had been here for 9 months now, lying against this wall, slowly wasting away. 9 months without food or water. He was only surviving due to his over-abundance of chakra which was seeping away by the second. He didn't know what would happen first, him dying or him decomposing. It was a stupid thought but you didn't have much to think about lying motionless for months on end. Naruto didn't think of anything though: he had learned it best to just shut his mind down completely. What did he have to lose? He was already resigned to the fact that God or destiny or whoever controlling all of this had condemned him to a slow and drawn-out death. The type of death that drove many men to insanity. Naruto wished frequently that some random would just come along and kill him for the sake of it but in all his time here he had yet to hear even a single word from a living soul.

'Is this for my sins?' Naruto asked himself. He didn't continue that train of thought.

'Do I have any regrets?' Naruto was a lot more interested in this. Had he made the right choice? Recognising that mentally investigating this would bring more pain that satisfaction to him, Naruto shut that thought down. He tried to sigh but realized he could not open his mouth. He simply continued to sit there motionless, just waiting. Waiting for the inevitable.

"I think they were over here-"

Naruto's head jolted upright. He had most certainly heard a voice.

"No they were over there!"

Naruto felt his mouth open and regained slight control of his facial muscles. He tried to move but found he still couldn't.

'Still don't have the strength I guess,' he thought. The voices were getting closer.

"Are you sure they aren't over there?"
"Konohamaruuu," the voice sounded childish and feminine. Naruto prayed that they were ninja. They finally came into view.
"Hanabiii," the other voice retorted, mimicking how she had sounded. The girl, now recognised as 'Hanabi' pouted. The boy, now known as 'Konohamaru' laughed. Naruto felt his heart lift in his stomach when he saw their head-bands.
"Hey," he called out weakly, his voice fading in the wind. He saw Konohamaru stop and look around. Hanabi looked at him confused.

"I think I heard something," he said.

"Hey," Naruto called out again, a little stronger but still sounding faint. Hanabi activated her Byakugan and looked around. She gasped and pointed in Naruto's direction.

"There's someone over there and I think they need help!" They both ran toward him. Naruto shut his eyes and hoped.

"Are you alright? Do you need help?" Konohamaru knelt beside Naruto and surveyed him.

"Look at him, do you think he's alright?" asked Hanabi sarcastically. She hit Konohamaru playfully on the head.

"OW!" he said dramatically and Hanabi sighed.

"Stop acting like a Naruto," she chided. Konohamaru frowned.

"I'm not acting like a Naruto!"

Naruto looked at the two of them and managed to open his mouth.

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