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A/N: This chapter was supposed to be longer but I really wanted to get this one out quickly. My story got removed because of a glitch and it really scared me because of how much time I've put into this. I wanted to put out a new part for people who are invested and stuck through the period where the story was unavailable.  Hopefully, the next part will be out soon and believe me when I tell you that it's going to be interesting. As I said, this chapter was going to be SO much longer (like 6000 words longer) but I decided to just realise this part and make the next one a long one instead. Thank you for all the support and kind words! Commenting really motivates me to update more frequently. Anyway enough waffling. Hope you enjoy :)


The two siblings overlooked the battlefield. They were both seated far above it, the legs dangling over the edge of the mountain. The sun was setting and the devastated landscape was being illuminated by a brilliant bronze. It was beautiful. The siblings sat in silence. The wind brushed past them, blowing against both their hair. The golden-haired boy finally spoke.

"I've been thinking..." he paused. Neither of them tore their eyes away from the landscape below them, even as they spoke. He continued, "Do you think anything would've changed?"

The wind brushed against them again.

"Do you think it would've been different?"

The red-haired girl still didn't react. Her eyes were tired and lifeless.

"-If they had said my name instead of yours?"

Karah's eyes shot open as she practically jumped out of bed. She was in a cold sweat and was grasping onto her bed covers. Slowly, she calmed herself down. She was safe. Everything was fine. She got out of bed and stumbled toward the bathroom. She put a plug in the sink and began to fill it with cold water. After a few seconds, she plunged her head into the basin, with her eyes shut and let the water cool her head down. It was cathartic. After a couple seconds or so she pulled her head out and breathed in heavily. She had had trouble sleeping recently. Her nightmares were haunted by her guilt. It was if her unconscious mind remembered everything sin she committed, every bad deed and played it on repeat every moment she had spare. She sat cross-legged on her bed, unable and not wanting to go back to sleep. She slowly rocked back and forth.

"I will bring you home."

Naruto sat cross-legged and patiently on a small boulder. Surrounding him was a dense, green forest that stretched for miles. His eyes were shut and his face was it's usual expressionless. He was meditating. Next to him were the fruits of his labour: the most prized scrolls that Konoha had in their possession. The movement of his stomach was visible as he breathed in and out. It was enchanting. The forest was so tranquil.

A large crash was heard as Naruto's partner landed behind him ungracefully, clutching at his left arm. He was panting heavily.

"EASY?!" he screamed out with great difficulty, "YOU SAID HE WAS EASY?!"

Naruto flinched at the loud disturbance but did not move a muscle apart from his mouth which quickly transformed into a grimace.

"I take it you didn't get the jinchuuriki." Kisame regarded Naruto with a death glare before turning his attention to the scrolls. He smiled slyly and reached out to one of them. He felt a thwack on his hand and withdrew it. Naruto hadn't looked like he had moved but Kisame was wise to his tricks. He grimaced again.

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