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A/N: Short chapter but it gets the job done. Hope you enjoy :)

Naruto jumped through the village, carrying the unconscious Kisame on his back. The mission had been a complete failure, Naruto knew that. If the Kisame was not incapacitated, it would have been smooth. If the Hokage was not present, it would have been smoother.

"Kid put me down," ordered Kisame. Naruto stopped on a rooftop and let his partner down. "Stupid Uchiha embarrassing me," Kisame mumbled under his breath as he stretched.

"We should go," Naruto said unemotionally. Kisame looked back at him.

"Calm down, we can spare a second so I can just get my strength back," said Kisame calmly.

"Naruto-nii!" a young voice called out to Naruto. Naruto did not turn around or change his expression. Kisame grinned at him.

"My my, look who's popular today," teased Kisame. Naruto did not look like he was happy about it. He turned around. Below him on the streets was Team 6, Hinata, Lee and Kiba. They were looking up at him terrified. Hanabi was hanging onto her sister like she was about to die and Hinata simply let her mouth fall as she gaped at the sight in front of her. Naruto saw more people approaching out of the corner of his eye. Soon, Itachi, Guy and Kakashi on his back had arrived at the scene too. Kakashi's eyes widened as he saw his sensei's child wearing the cloak of the Akatsuki. Naruto looked back to Kisame.

"Go," he ordered plainly. Kisame nodded and continued jumping across the rooftops. Nobody made an effort to stop him. Silence filled the street as Naruto looked down at his old friends. Nobody spoke.
"RAAAAH!" yelled Sasuke as he jumped from a neighbouring rooftop toward Naruto. Naruto blocked his attack. Sasuke recovered but instead of landing gracefully, fell to the ground, his tiredness evident. Itachi looked to his younger brother and ran up to him.

"You should be in hospital," chided Itachi as Sasuke frowned.

"I'm fine," he lied as he failed to stand up. Silence once again befell the crowd until Konohamaru spoke up.

"Y-you better watch out mister! Naruko's dad is the Hokage!" yelled Konohamaru as he bravely stepped forward. A kunai appeared in front of his foot, warning him to stay still. Konohamaru froze, all his bravery gone. Naruko's tears finally became audible.

"Naruto-nii," she whispered, tears overflowing. "I'M SORRY!!"

Team 6 rushed through the bustling village. They had now escaped death twice, saved first by their sensei and then by other jonins. The shock of Naruto's return hadn't quite set in and was instead replaced with adrenaline from having to run. Hanabi and Konohamaru didn't realise this and so led the way for Naruko as they ran to the only place they knew. 'That couldn't have been Naruto-nii. It had to have been someone else.'

"I wonder why Guy-sensei rushed off like that with Kakashi-sensei?" Kiba pondered. He had been left with the rest of his team, unknowing of any situation.

"M-maybe they just wanted to do a mission quickly?" whispered Hinata. She hadn't changed much. Still as quiet as she was at first a genin, although now she was a chunin and had kept to her vow of never being powerless. The thoughts of Team 10 where interrupted as Hinata's younger sister and her team ran towards them, obviously scared.

"Hinata-nii!" Hanabi screamed as she ran to her sister. Naruko and Konohamaru followed her, Naruko blushing when she saw Kiba.

"What's going on here?" asked Kiba. The three stopped to regain their breath.

"Neji-sensei... we were attacked... Neji-sensei... Guy-sensei... Kakashi-sensei... in trouble!" explained Konohamaru in between sharp intakes of air. Team 10 looked at each other urgently.

"Come on!" called Kiba to the rest of his team. They nodded and began to return back to where Team 6 had just come from, Team 6 deciding to follow.

Naruto stayed silent for a few moments after his sister's yell.

"There is nothing to apologise for," stated Naruto, unemotionally.

"Naruto, I shouldn't have left you all alone," began Itachi, "I failed you as a sensei and I'm sorry." Naruto continued as if Itachi had not spoken.

"I should be thanking you," continued Naruto, "Your neglect has led to my redemption. I have been found and I will now save this world." The group stood frozen at Naruto's words.

"N-naruto-kun..." Hinata had started crying. Naruto ignored her.

"We will create a world of peace." Hinata noted how Naruto was completely calm while speaking words with such perversion. "I am useless, a weakling, an annoyance. I must repay the world for my sins."

Sasuke finally spoke up. "Naruto! Listen to yourself! You sound like you've gone insane!"

"I'm finally not insane," rebutted Naruto calmly, "I finally see the world for how it is." Guy and Itachi looked at their student with a glance filled with unimaginable sadness. 'I let him fall so low. The darkness has consumed him. I am sorry Naruto,' thought Itachi.

"W-why? Why would you do this?" Lee finally brought himself to speak.

"This world is full of sin. I am an example of that. But I have changed. Evolved." Naruto's voice sounded cold, "My redemption has come. Soon the retribution will be upon us and I will fix this corrupt world." He shut his eyes in thought before opening them again. "I thank you Kakashi," he revealed a dirty kunai. Kakashi's eyes widened, "I thank you for showing me my position in this world. Without you," Naruto overlooked the crowd, "Without all of you, I would not have seen the light." A distorted grin had crept onto his face. A grin that sent shivers down the spines of his old comrades. He quickly shook the grin off his face, regaining his emotionlessness. "I will be going. But I promise you, I will return to save you all. The retribution will be soon."
"NO! THIS ENDS NOW!" Naruto blocked Minato's attack who had appeared directly in front of him. He threw Kakashi's dirty kunai to a neighbouring roof and teleported to it. Naruto looked at his father with the same cold eyes.

"Surrender the Kyuubi," Naruto ordered calmly, "And it will end now." Minato only responded with an angry glare.

"Kakashi, get everyone out of here right-" Minato was interrupted.

"There is no need Hokage-sama," Naruto's glare alone sent shivers down Minato's spine. "I will be going now." Naruto suddenly disappeared, dropping Kakashi's dirty kunai as he teleported to an unknown kunai in an unknown location. Minato jumped down quickly to Naruto's previous position, catching the kunai before it hit the ground. Everyone on the ground simply stared.

"No, no, no, no!" Minato muttered under his breath realising his son had got away. "NO!" Naruko's eyes widened as she finally understood all the events that had just taken place.


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