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A/N: Hopefully the end of the mini-chapters. You can see why I didn't put them all in one, right? Maybe? Ok, yeah I was just lazy... Anyway! Dont worry, this isn't the end of this story. I think it's safe to assume there will be at least 5 more chapters. Anyway, enough of all that, hope you all enjoy :)


From inside her mind, a voice called out to her. A deep, booming, sinister voice.

"Let me free."

Karah did not care anymore. Her rage was enough to burn the planet to the ground. She simply nodded as the expression of absolute vexation grew in fury. She let the demon inside her out. She took a step forward to glare deeper into Naruto and opened her mouth to roar.

The sound was primal. Untamed. The roar echoed throughout the whole village. It was recognised and feared. Naruto looked on, still unresponsive, as Karah Namikaze stood in front of him: Jinchuuriki of the Nine Tailed Fox. It was free.

"You think you can kill my friends?" roared Karah. The flaming hot red aura that surrounded her was slightly melting her surroundings. The pure strength of her chakra was lifting her hair up. It floated in the wind. Karah took a step forward. In her footsteps were ashes. She was burning the ground she stood upon. Naruto did not respond to her statement but instead watched as her rage grew in intensity by the second.

"Do you?!" Naruto's dead eyes looked up to meet Karah's animalistic ones.

"As I said," he began, raising a hand, "This world will be cleansed. Starting with this village-"

Karah scream sounded more like a rumble: a message of anguish from the Earth itself. Naruto didn't have time to react. Karah appeared in front of him and punched him with full force in the face. Before Naruto had time to process what had happened, Karah followed up with another punch to the stomach. Naruto was sent flying backwards. Whilst in the air, he coughed up a mouthful of blood. He recovered from the punches and landed on the ground. He put a hand over his stomach and a green light began to emit. Karah's face seemed to somehow increase in anger. She shot forward like a bullet. Again, she was too fast for Naruto, and slammed another fist into his stomach.

"Don't think I'll let you heal yourself," she growled, "I said we're ending this NOW!"

Her voice seemed to reverberate through the whole crater. The ground began to quake. Naruto got back up. Karah clenched her fist.

Naruto lunged forward at Karah pushing her back a few metres. Karah got back up and wiped a bit of dirt off her.

"Why you little-" she began running towards Naruto at full force and began charging a Rasengan. The Rasengan quickly evolved to a fully formed one and pulsated strongly in Karah's palm. Naruto rushed to do the hand signs to have time to use a Fireball Jutsu. Karah stopped advancing. Karah paused to ready a plan of action before Naruto zoomed through the flames and hit her straight in the chest, directly on top of her seal. The blow had so much power behind it that it sent a small shock wave throughout the whole crater. Karah's mouth opened in pain and she fell forward onto Naruto for support. The two stopped moving entirely for a second. A small raindrop fell from the sky. Then another. And then another. The dark grey rain clouds had returned and the rain was once again being pelted down. Karah grinned mischievously.

"You think that would hurt me?" She quickly let go of Naruto and with her left hand, punched him directly in the face. Naruto's legs slightly buckled and he took a couple steps back. Karah smiled and began to slowly walk forward. Naruto was losing the strength to defend himself. Karah saw this opportunity and took it. She began unloading on Naruto with brutal punch after brutal punch. Each blow felt like it was dealt by a freight train. Blood spewed out of Naruto's nose. He collapsed onto the ground and Karah continued to simply strike him again and again. It was beginning to seem like this was the end.

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