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A/N: The title really needs to be analysed this time... This chapter isn't as long as the last thank god. Hope you enjoy all the same :)

Naruto had not stopped training for 11 months. At least he had been given ample food and rest but training under Pain was harder than any training he had ever done before. A few minutes tired him out more than a few hours of regular training. Throughout this time, Naruto had become well acquainted with Pain's ideology. Although Pain had not revealed much information about himself, Naruto had pieced together most things about Nagato Uzumaki. Nagato knew Naruto had figured it out but both knew not to touch the subject. Nagato had been warned of Naruto's deductive abilities but didn't realise he would be so fast to figure out his identity. The Namikazes and their acquaintances did have a lot of knowledge concerning the Ninja World, more than they even realise. Naruto had been the only one to harness this power and although he had not yet had a chance to use it, Naruto had realised knowledge is as great an asset as power if not more so. He could use words to bring down even the strongest adversary. If there was a situation where Naruto did not have ample knowledge, Naruto knew that would be the only situation where his victory would not be assured.

"I'm surprised you're not a jonin already Karah," Sakura said as her team made it closer to the village.

"What do you mean? Just cause I mastered the Rasengan?" Karah asked. Itachi walked behind his squad, overlooking them in case of disaster. It wouldn't be the first time they had been intercepted after a mission.

"No, you did that months ago, I heard that Jiriaya has almost taught you how to fully master Sage Mode... And I mean your performance on this mission was outstanding." Karah scratched the back of her head as she laughed.

"I have made more progress this last year compared to any other, and I'm just getting started! 1 mission down is 1 more step towards Hokage, I'm coming old man!" Karah said as she raced forward. Sasuke merely smirked at his teammate's behaviour. Soon the team was in view of the gates of Konoha. As usual, Minato was standing waiting for them. Minato walked towards them before they entered Konoha and hugged his daughter.
"Ichiraku's?" he asked his daughter as they began to walk back into the village. Karah nodded happily. Team 9 followed them as they made their way through the thick trees to get to the Konoha gate. Suddenly, Team 9 and Minato felt a cold presence. They looked around.

"They noticed us," one of the men said quietly. His husky voice was so quiet only his companion could hear it. His companion did not respond.

"Identify yourself," Sasuke said as he stepped forward, his sharingan swirling into shape. A duo stood in front of the small group. One was extremely tall with what seemed to be a weapon his back while the other was very plain. They were both wearing long hats that covered their faces and black cloaks with red clouds.

"Sasuke, step back," Minato ordered, his voice calm. Sasuke moved back as Minato took his place. "You are the Akatsuki, I take it. I suggest you leave now." The taller one hissed at the sound of the name while the other did not react.

"So you know us," a serpent-like voice emitted from the taller man as it reached it up to it's hat, "I guess our existence isn't as secret as we would like. I take it you already know our goal then?" Kisame slowly took off his hat, dropping it on the ground. Minato's blank expression revealed his answer. Kisame laughed devilishly. He leant over to his companion whose hat was still firmly on their head. "Secure the objective newbie," he hissed. In a split-second the other man had lunged forward, straight past the Hokage heading for Team 9. Kisame disappeared into the trees as he watched the ensuing battle from afar.

'He's fast,' Minato mentally noted as he turned back to see the man aiming for Karah. He saw in a split-second movement as the man pulled a hidden kunai, ready to strike. Sasuke managed to pull his kunai out in time and block the man's swing. Minato appeared behind the man and tried to hit him but he disappeared, dodging the hit completely. Sakura turned to her side to be met by a fist to her face. Sakura fell to the ground as the man stood over her, hat still hiding his identity. Sasuke, once again let his adrenaline take over him as he ran towards the man. All his attacks were swiftly dodged. Sakura jumped off the ground and ran up to punch the man. The man pulled Sasuke towards him and then maeunevered him to bodyblock Sakura's punch. Sasuke fell to the ground with a crack.

"Stay behind me," Minato said as he stood protectively in front of his daughter, "Itachi, assist me." Itachi nodded. Sakura once again tried to use taijutsu but was countered when she overextended her arm. The man caught her fist and twisted it slightly before letting it go. In the split-second that Sakura used to try and recover, the man ducked underneath her arm and elbowed her chest with his full strength. Sakura fell to the ground, unconscious. Sasuke was back up. He quickly used a fireball jutsu. The man disappeared in the flames. He reappeared directly behind Sasuke before he hit him directly on the back of the neck. Sasuke was stunned giving the man a chance to hit him directly on his back, sending him flying into a tree. Sasuke couldn't move at all, his body has sustained too many injuries too quickly. He clutched onto consciousness as he watched the man turn away from him, his vision becoming blurry and blurrier by the second.

"Who the hell is this guy?" he muttered to himself. The man turned his attention to Karah, his hat still firmly on his head. Itachi looked over at his fallen students, both alive but injured having failed to land even a single hit on the man. Itachi activated his sharingan as Minato took up a fighting stance. Silence befell the duelers as wind brushed over the landscape just outside of Konoha. The man took 1 step forward before yet again remaining still. Suddenly, he lunged forward. It was so fast, Minato and Itachi barely registered it. As he moved, the hat fell off his face. As the man was still in the act of lunging forward, he quickly performed a few hand-signs. Itachi's eyes widened.

"Itachi-sensei!" a 5 year old Naruto called, "Itachi-sensei!"

"Be quiet dobe, he won't say yes if you're being annoying," Itachi heard Sasuke whisper. Naruto held his head down in shame.

"Sorry Sasuke," he said in a sad voice. Itachi smiled, hearing the adorable conversation and appeared next to the two boys.

"Yes Naruto, Sasuke," Itachi said calmly, "Do you want something?"

"Yes!" Naruto yelled, his livileness having quickly returned.

"What is it?" Itachi asked warmly. Naruto looked at Sasuke.

"I forgot-" he mumbled to Sasuke. Sasuke sighed.

"Can you teach us the Uchiha fireball jutsu?" Sasuke asked. Sasuke and Naruto's eager smiles made it impossible for Itachi to resist. He chuckled at their faces.

"Of course I can," Itachi responded, making Naruto and Sasuke's faces light up even more. They followed him as he walked to a safer part of the compound to perform the jutsu. Itachi performed the jutsu in a way that made the hand-signs clear. Sasuke copied it but failed with the jutsu. Naruto only watched and didn't try to do the jutsu. Sasuke looked over to him.

"What's wrong? I thought you wanted to do the jutsu?" he asked. Naruto hung his head down in shame.

"I-it's just that it's an Uchiha fireball and I-I-I'm not-" Naruto was clearly holding back tears. Itachi walked over to him and put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Well to me, you're an honorary Uchiha," Itachi said. Naruto looked up at him.

"Hon-or-ary," Naruto repeated, not understanding the meaning.

"You're my brother!" exclaimed Sasuke, so Naruto would understand. Naruto's face lit up and he smiled happily.

"Brother?!" Naruto's smile was dazzling. Itachi felt himself smiling from just witnessing it.

"So try the jutsu," Itachi said encouragingly, patting Naruto on the back. Naruto nodded and performed the hand signs. A massive blast of fire emitted, bigger than Itachi's demonstration. Naruto dropped to the floor in surprise before hastily pushing himself away from the fire. He leant against a tree as he got over the shock. He grinned happily.

"Wow!" yelled Naruto. 'Wow indeed,' Itachi thought, 'You're going to go far Naruto.'

"N-naruto?" Itachi gazed in terror at the sight in front of him. An older Naruto was pouncing towards him, a look of pure hatred glinting in his eye. A huge fireball engulfed the surrounding area. Minato pulled Karah out the way as he and Itachi dodged backwards. Itachi took a second to try and gather his bearings but in that time Naruto pushed his way through the fire, a Rasengan in his palm. He shoved it in Itachi's stomach and Itachi fell to the floor. Naruto uncaringly discarded the unconscious Uchiha's body as he once again only focused on Karah. Sasuke watched from afar as he saw the hat fall from Naruto's head.

"It can't be," he muttered as he proceeded to lose consciousness.

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