Naruto vs Minato Namikaze

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A/N: Another update/Semi-short chapter. Hope you enjoy :)


Minato knew what he had to do. He was no longer a father... He was the Hokage. He slowly and deliberately moved a hand to his pocket and awaited Naruto to move first.

Naruto took a step forward. In the time it took him to lift his foot Minato had already reacted. He tossed his kunai directly at him. Naruto caught it mere inches from his face. Minato teleported to it and pushed Naruto's hand off him. He back-flipped back to his original position realising his usual strategy would not work. Naruto didn't give him time to think.

He lunged at him, forcing him to dodge. He continued to do this until Minato bent down, dodging his grab and kicked him backwards, finally giving him enough time to think. In complete synchronization, both Naruto and Minato went to their pockets, reached for a kunai and threw it at each other. They collided, creating an ear-splitting clang. Both teleported to their respective kunai. Minato raised his hand and quickly created a Rasengan. Naruto reached out and grabbed Minato's arm. Minato focused on his grasped arm and failed to notice Naruto's other hand, giving it ample opportunity to punch him directly in the face. His Rasengan dissipated and Minato used his hand to stop himself falling to the ground.

 Naruto ran at him, intent on hitting him again. Minato disappeared just as Naruto got to him. Naruto stopped running and looked around him. At the last possible second, Naruto looked above him to see Minato's Rasengan mere millimetres from his face. He was blasted back a couple feet but recovered and landed gracefully. 

Naruto eyed him intently and squatted before slowly moving his hands to perform a singular hand-sign. Immediately, a hundred copies of Naruto appeared behind him. Naruto stood up and allowed the waves of clones to overtake him as they all ran toward Minato. 

Minato cracked his knuckles and pulled another kunai from his pocket. He dealt with the first few clones swiftly. A single punch was enough to destroy them. In a blur, Minato individually took them out but was eventually overtaken by the sheer number. Minato threw his kunai and it arched to the right. As it flew through the air it took out all of the clones that were in its path. Minato teleported to it and instantly used his Rasengan to take out a large group of them. He methodically made his way through the onslaught until he caught sight of the true Naruto.

 He made a B-line for him, taking out all the clones in his way. With his kunai still in hand, Minato lunged straight for the real Naruto. With his arm, Naruto blocked the attack and held back the ferocity of the Hokage. With his spare hand, he began to change something in his hand. All the clones instantly poofed out of existence. Minato noted that Naruto was using all his chakra. Minato was so focused on this that he slightly loosened his grip allowing Naruto to force him off him. 

Naruto held his hand, where all his chakra was focused, into the sky. There was a huge explosion of light. It was stunningly bright and forced Minato to freeze to block his eyes. Though he could not see, he could still sense and brought his arms away from his still shut eyes. He felt Naruto's presence as he ran up to attack him and caught his punch. He held Naruto still until his sight was regained and then pushed him away. Minato still needed a strategy of attack. A small grin emerged on his face and he performed a set of quick hand-signs. 

The ground beneath them started to shake. 5 humongous pillars made out of the dirt below them emerged from under the surface. They soared from below and headed straight to attack Naruto. They were like the heads of a Hydra, acting independently yet also connected. Minato stood still, focusing his chakra to control the pillars. They twisted and twirled, forcing Naruto to dodge all of their attacks. He quickly adjusted and jumped up onto them, dodging their attacks by hopping from one pillar to the other. Naruto dodged their attacks gracefully, as if only participating so he can better understand them. He shot a glance at Minato who was still motionless, observing the scene. If he forced him to break concentration, the pillars would collapse. Naruto hopped from one pillar to the other, trying to find an opening for him to attack. It was proving harder than expected as he was driven higher and higher into the air by the pillars. They were forcing him to move in exactly the way they wanted. Naruto frowned. He watched as three pillars sent themselves flying towards him. He braced himself and held out his arms. The pillars bounced off him, the tips of them slightly shattered. Naruto almost smiled. Minato frowned.

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