The Return

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A/N: Sorry it took me so long but there are all these Coronavirus things I have to do before I can focus on this story. Anyway, I tried to write a long one but I got demotivated a few times. I think you can tell where I struggled to keep going but I hope you can read and enjoy. Thank you for all the support on this book and hope you enjoy :)


"Hokage-sama!" Minato's eyes shot open and he immediately pulled himself upright. He had fallen asleep at his desk yet again. It was happening more frequently now but Minato just found himself more tired recently.

"Yes?" he called out, rapidly opening and closing his eyes to get rid of the sleep inside them. A ninja entered the room and bowed. It was obvious he had been running to get here.

"I have an urgent message."

"What is it?" Minato asked, rubbing his temples.
"The scrolls which had previously been stolen have been returned into our possession." Minato's eyes widened.
"What?" he said in a low voice.

"B-but you see-" Minato cut him off.

"Do you know what that means? We've been infiltrated!" The ninja shook his head.

"There was no evidence of an infiltration!" the ninja practically yelped. Minato gave him a death glare.

"Yes," he said coldly, "A good infiltration does that."

"N-no, what I mean is..." the ninja looked terrified, "The guards did not see anyone open the vaults and yet on their surveillance of them, they found the scrolls." Minato slightly rested his expression. He was too tired to get angry at this obvious newbie. He almost chuckled.

'This poor young man... Bet he's terrified of me. Have I really become that distant? I remember when I didn't make people feel this way around me.'

"What were the contents of the stolen scrolls again?" asked Minato as he sighed.

"Very advanced seals and justus," replied the ninja quickly. Minato glared at him with a tired expression.

"Be more specific," he commanded.

"Yes sir! I-I mean... the most notable jutsu was one that had the ability to drain a target of all its chakra although it did require a lot of hand-signs. That jutsu was supposedly so hard, however, even Hashirama-sama... I mean Shodai Hokage-sama struggled to cast it and only did so once. It would be impossible for someone to use it today." Minato sighed again.

"Perhaps that's why they returned it," he said, heavily doubting his own words. His attention turned back to the ninja. He waved his hand at him, "Dismissed."

The ninja stood his ground although his knees were shaking.

"Uh... Hokage-sama?" Minato found himself sighing for the third time.
"Yes?" he asked.

"Y-your daughter is returning for her trip... very shortly... I-I was told to let you know..." his voice trailed off and the ninja quickly exited the room. Minato let himself smile.

'That ninja really did not want to be here, huh?' he thought to himself. Then he processed his final words, 'Wait... Karah's coming home... right now? I thought she would be coming in the next few days?' Minato stood up abruptly. 'I have to welcome her back!' he thought as he pulled himself together before leaving his office. Even now Minato had not broken the tradition: he would wish his daughter back after every mission.

Finally, after all this time, the gates of Konoha were in sight. Oh, how Karah had missed them. These past few years had felt like an eternity for her. She had been walking a few paces behind Jiraiya but once the gates were in sight she rushed ahead to get back home as quickly as possible.

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