Team Reunion

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A/N: Another update? Damn. I've tried to make the last 3 chapters have a similar theme of a reunion of families. The first is the Namikaze Reunion, then Naruto's second family with the Uchihas and then his third family with his ninja squad.  I really hope this one turns out better than my last few. I think it did but who knows? I've been getting some hate msgs recently both public and private saying they don't like how I'm taking the plot and I have to say it's really demotivating. I know some people encourage "constructive criticism" but as someone, whose writing confidence isn't really the highest, getting people telling you that you suck doesn't do much to keep me going. Save that for people who ask for it. I started putting these up here for myself not so other people can judge me. Sorry if I'm sounding toxic it's just that's one of the main reasons I took my break. [I should probably shut up now. JEESUS why are my A/Ns so long?] Hope you enjoy :)


Naruto wandered aimlessly through the village. He hated walking out of the Uchiha compound but he had to. He couldn't even bear the thought that he was wrong. Even the slight possibility annoyed him.

'But I'm not wrong!' Naruto mentally told himself confidently, 'It was all worth it. I did it for a reason.'

Naruto was brought out of his thoughts when he sensed a familiar presence behind him. He turned around. For a split-second, he thought he saw someone duck into a back-alley out of view but he brushed it off as a trick of the light. A lone raindrop landed on the bridge on his nose. Naruto looked up and saw that the beautiful sun had moved behind a dark grey cloud. After that, the rain had started falling much quicker. Naruto looked around for shelter but failed to find any. Suddenly having a thought, Naruto looked up to the Hokage Mountain. He began to move toward it, his pace slightly quickening. He ignored it still, but the presence behind Naruto followed his movements. Eventually, he was at the top of the mountain, back in his spot. He stood in the patch of grass using the lone tree atop the monument as cover. He was just in time. As he got himself underneath the tree, the downfall had doubled in intensity. Naruto stood there in silence. He listened to the beautiful sound of the raindrops around him.

"Show yourself," he said suddenly and the figure that had been following him jumped. He didn't turn around nor show any signs of caring to. Hinata slowly brought herself out of her hiding space, "Why are you following me?"

Hinata looked away, unable to speak. She prodded her two fingers together. Naruto was growing impatient. A large blush grew on Hinata's face as she heard him turn around to look at her. As soon as Naruto's eyes rested on Hinata, his eyes widened. His jaw lightly dropped open.

"H-Hinata?" he said in disbelief. Hinata wanted nothing more than to run back to her bed and hide underneath the covers but found she didn't have the strength to run. Her face turned a dark shade of red and she tried to mask it from Naruto as much as possible. Naruto was still stunned. Hinata finally pulled herself together and with all of her combined effort managed to push herself to walk toward Naruto. With every step she took toward him, she felt like her legs melted like butter beneath her. She didn't look at his face. She knew that it would be too hard. She thought back to when she had seen him earlier.

The sun was shining beautifully in the morning sky. Hinata gazed out of her window. The golden light shone so brightly that even the roads were sparkling. As soon as she saw how amazing it looked outside, she immediately exited her house. She knew she had no mission for today so she made it her goal to relax. She decided to walk around Konoha and perhaps meet up with Neji considering he was returning from his mission today. She strolled daintily through the streets, not really thinking and simply enjoying the sunshine. Along the way she had picked up a vase of flowers from Ino just because they looked nice. She turned her head slightly when she heard a familiar voice.

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