Uchiha Remembrance

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A/N: The flashbacks begin. Expect a lot of these. I'd say we're coming up to half-way through the story, perhaps more. Hope you enjoy :)

Itachi and Sasuke made their way through the village in silence. Never had they thought at the beginning of the day they would be contemplating these thoughts. The orange sun illuminated the streets whilst they walked down them. Perhaps they were deserted. Perhaps the Uchihas didn't notice anyone. It did not matter to them.

'Naruto.' Itachi could not believe that he would allow his student to fall this low into the darkness. 'I... should've been there for you. I knew that there were some things going on in that house. Maybe it was my loyalty as a shinobi. Maybe it was just my negligence. I did not act and I failed you.'

"Are we really not gonna talk about him?" asked Sasuke. Itachi remained silent. "Are we?" Sasuke almost yelled. Itachi turned and looked at his brother in the eye.

"It will be better for us all if we do not," Itachi replied before turning around again.

"He was your student!" Sasuke spluttered out, "He was my friend!"

"It's almost been a year-"
"Is that all it takes? For you to forget?" Sasuke's voice cracked as he strained his voice to yell.

"You feel guilty," stated Itachi as he kept up his facade of emotionlessness, "Your guilt causes anger. Let it go and trust in the Hokage."
"Trust in the Hokage?" Sasuke repeated, "Do you even remember what Naruto told us about his family?"

"Those may have just been lies from a young child."

'How could I have said that? Even though I agreed with Sasuke... I let my trust in the Hokage cloud my judgement. Did I not remember?'

"Hello," he whispered, his voice hoarse from crying, "W-who are you?"

"I take it you are Naruto Namikaze," the man said, "My name is Itachi Uchiha."

"S-sorry," Naruto whispered again. Itachi raised his eyebrow.

"Whatever for?"

"... I don't know," replied Naruto who was trying to pull himself together. 'I wonder what's wrong with this child? He's the Hokage's brat right?' Itachi thought.

"What are you doing here?" Itachi asked. Naruto pulled himself up and got back into his fighting stance.

"Training," he said and wiped his tears away.

"Why aren't you training with your father?"

"I'm not allowed." Itachi's eyes slightly widened, "Only my sister is allowed to be trained."

"So you're doing this- by yourself?" Itachi asked. Naruto's eyes widened.

"Please don't tell him!" Naruto yelled.

"I won't, do not worry. Now why don't you show me what you can do, then." Naruto nodded and returned back to his fighting stance. He sprung forward with incredible speed for his age and attacked with insane power. Itachi watched hiding his surprise. 'This is him with no training?' His surprise was finally shown when Naruto revealed his Rasengan. 'T-that's impossible! This kid must've been trained!'

Naruto finished and stopped in front of Itachi. He expected to be insulted or told how disappointing he was but instead:

"That was incredible!" Itachi managed to muster. Naruto looked up, shocked.

"...Really?" Naruto said. His grin finally showed as he heard Itachi's response.

"Of course. For you to be on that scale, at this young age, is incredible. How did you learn the Rasengan without a teacher?"

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