The Chunin Exams

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A/N: I've started another fanfic! I'm going to wait to update until I've finished this one (WHICH WILL BE NEXT CHAPTER BTW) but after that I'm probably going to complete it within a week. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter but seeing all the msgs i get you probably won't :( If you see spelling or grammar mistake pls realise that it is lockdown and I can't get my friend who usually help translate and fixes all my work to see me. I'm not that bad but it won't be as good. Anyway enough of my rambling hope you enjoy :)


"Naru-nee!" called out an over-excited Himawari. She ran over to her aunt happily. Naruko bent down and hugged her. Naruto and Hinata walked over to them.

"Hey Naruko-nee," Naruto said, his deep voice barely succeeding in conveying his happiness, "Where's Kiba?"
Naruko's face turned a shade of red. Hinata recognised it well. Even though Naruko was in her 20's now, she still acted more or less the same as before although with much more maturity. She twiddled her thumbs. Naruto put a hand on her shoulder and gave her a concerned expression.

"Naruko-nee? Are you alright? Did he dump you?"

Hinata lightly punched Naruto arms and laughed at his cluelessness.

"Obviously not," she chided, "I think I know."
Naruto turned to his wife, oblivious and then back to his sister, "Know what? What's going on?"

Naruko looked down at the floor. Himawari was still clutching onto her with an adorable smile on her face. She wasn't really paying any attention to what they were saying. Naruko smiled back at her. She mustered enough confidence to look back up at them.

"B-because... y'know... Boruto is g-going to do his chunin exams, it got me t-thinking..." Naruto raised a confused eyebrow. He still had no idea what was going on. Naruko continued, "Me and Kiba-kun have been together for such a long time and I... I think maybe... we... should... have a baby!"

She paused, waiting for a reaction. None came. Naruto simply looked at her, waiting for more.

"...Is that it?"
Naruko frowned, "Of course that's it! What more could there be?!"

Naruto shrugged. Hinata stepped in before her husband could interrupt himself even more, "We're so happy to hear that Naruko! I think you should do whatever you want to do! I know for a fact that Kiba-kun wouldn't mind having children."
Naruko's face brightened again, "That's exactly what I wanted to hear! I've been arguing with myself for days now whether I should wait or if I'm going to wait too long or if..." she stopped herself before she got carried away, "And if I'm going to become a mother, I guess that means I'll be retiring from shinobi duty. Then again, that's not that big a sacrifice. I only got to chunin."

"Still better than me," responded Naruto. Naruko laughed humourlessly, "Wait... you only got to chunin? You're certainly jonin level!"

Naruko rolled her eyes, "I would think so as well but after becoming Chunin your promotion is decided by one person and one person only: The Hokage. And for whatever reason, Karah-nee is intent on keeping me as a chunin."

At the mention of Karah's name, Naruto slightly narrowed his eyes. Naruko noticed this and covered her mouth, "Sorry. I-I didn't mean-"
"Will she be here?" Naruto sighed.
"Of course she will, it's the chunin exams. So will Tou-san and Kaa-san. Aw man, I didn't realise how awkward this is going to be. Unless... are you... not?" Naruko's question got away from her.

"I am," Naruto said with finality, "Unlike some I would never abandon my child."

Naruko opened her mouth to interject but looked over to Hinata. She gave up before she even began. This was a battle she would lose and not worth fighting. She gave one last smile, let go of Himawari and began to walk away.

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