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A/N: I've been gone for a bit so here's a LONG chapter. This story is almost at its end :( I'd say there are around 2 maybe 3 more chapters and [SPOILER ALERT but not really] there's going to be a time-skip after this chapter. As I've said in my last A/N, the hate is getting to me, I'm sorry but I just can't help it. 10 happy and nice msgs just don't seem to counteract the 1 hateful one for some reason. I wish it did. Anyway, if you notice a nosedive in quality, that is why but I am still trying :/ I'm going to do one more Naruto fanfic after this one but it's going to be much shorter. Hopefully all the haters leave after this fanfic because if they don't... I don't even know. Anyway enough of my ramblings... hope you enjoy :)


In the past month Naruto had been back in Konoha, nothing much had really improved. He had had contact with his family and had remained mostly stoic although noticeably closer with Hinata. Sasuke frequently stopped by but Itachi's visits were more scarce. He knew that he had his own problems and was not fit to try and nurture Naruto back to health. Might Guy and Rock Lee stood in a middle ground. They came every week or so but didn't stay long. They knew that their attitude would also not be optimal for trying to undo Naruto's deep-seated inferiority complex. The main reason for them thinking this was their tendency to frequently bring up the topic of training. One of Naruto's main problems was his glorification of training. It was bordering on addiction. Hinata and Neji had to stop Naruto multiple times from waking up at the crack of dawn because of his "need to train". They knew that if he had his way, all he would do for every hour of the day would be training. It made sense in a certain way. Naruto had told Hinata that for a large chunk of his life all he did in his free time was train. He said that he thought it gave him purpose. Hinata wasn't going to allow him to fall back on his own ways. Her job was to help Naruto and after seeing first hand the effects his training had on him, she simply could not let him do it, much to his constant protests.

Hinata awoke slowly. Though she didn't treat it like a chore, having to help Naruto did get tiring. She yawned and began to get dressed. Her eyes blearily wandered around her room and rested on the clock by her bed. She gasped and ran up to it.

"9:45?!" she yelled out in surprise, "Why didn't my alarm go off?!"

Hinata and Neji took turns to wake up early and make sure that Naruto didn't start training.

'I guess he got wiser to it,' Hinata thought as she rushed out of the room. She darted into Naruto's room. As she thought, he wasn't there. Still only wearing her nightgown, Hinata dashed out of the Hyuuga compound and began making her way to where she knew Naruto would be: the vast training grounds of the Academy and his old training spot.

Eventually, Hinata caught a glimpse of Naruto in the distance. He was back where he had always been and back doing what he had always done. Hinata slowed her pace when she got closer to him. Naruto acted like Hinata wasn't there and continued with his training.

"Naruto-kun," she called out, panting heavily from her run across the village. Still, Naruto paid her no attention. She tried again, "Naruto-kun!"

Naruto still merely continued with his training. Hinata ran up to him and grabbed his arm. Naruto finally looked over to her. Small tears were forming in her eyes.

"S-stop... please..." she begged. Naruto's eyes widened. He relaxed his muscles. Hinata looked down at the arm she was holding. She brushed her hand across it. It was heavily bruised, hardened and bulky, the complete opposite to her own soft arms. Naruto looked at Hinata sadly, silently begging for her to understand.

"Hinata... I need to do this..."

Hinata vehemently shook her head, "No!"

Naruto tried to speak again, "Hinata-"

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