The Tormented Uzumaki

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A/N: Not much needs to be said. Title ain't slick, I know. I tried :/ Hope you enjoy :)

Hinata gasped. She had heard Neji talk of Kai. The so-called Byakugan Hunter and sworn enemy of the Hyuuga clan. She had always hated when he was talked about and made her scared to tears hearing about his brutal actions. She grew to think of him as a myth but now, her worst fear was back right in front of her.

"I have many names though, Kai, The Reckoning, the Predator, the Byakugan Hunter," bragged Kai as he listed his names. Naruto stood defensively in front of Hinata who cowered behind him as memories of his stories came to her mind. "Despite my many titles, I do not hate the Hyuuga clan contrary to popular belief," he then smiled pervertedly, "In fact, I love them. They give me strength."

"We will not let you harm our team, even if it comes down to us having to put you down," Guy said threateningly. Kai merely laughed.

"You can try," he said before disappearing. He reappeared in front of Guy and attempted to hit his chakra point in the stomach but was blocked. Kakashi ran up behind him and tried to attack only to be countered without Kai even having to look. Kakashi kissed his teeth. 'Damn Byakugan, 360 degree vision and mastered taijutsu. Even when transplanted, they are a force to be reckoned with.' Kakashi then brought his attention to the genins.

"Get out of here now, make sure nothing happens to Hinata!" he ordered causing Kai to also look in their direction.

"Hin-a-ta," Kai pronounced the word making sure he said it right, "We can't have anything to her. Wouldn't that be a shame?" he asked sarcastically as he began to run towards them. Kai was already on top of them as Lee and Hinata turned to run and was about to stab Lee with a kunai until Naruto reacted. His own kunai locked with Kai's and he struggled to keep Kai's back.

"You- will- not- hurt- Hinata!" Naruto said and he used his full force to push Kai's kunai back, sending Kai back a few steps.

"You've got a heart kid, remind me of me," he chuckled as Kakashi almost landed an attack on him. Kai caught Kakashi's hand and was about to hit him with a Gentle Fist until Guy's attack forced him to let go of Kakashi and dodge. Naruto used the distraction to catch up with his teammates. Kai continued his fight with Guy and Kakashi who constantly blocked his attempts to go after the genins.
"I'm growing tired of this struggle," Kai stated as he pushed Kakashi against a tree. Kakashi recovered from the push and landed gracefully. "You two just give up. Sending the brats ahead won't change anything. When I'm eventually done with you, I'll just go after them and get my prize."

"You act like you can play the waiting game," said Guy sternly, "But as you are not a hyuuga, those eyes are a ticking time bomb."

"I'll have you know that I am more worthy of these eyes than any Hyuuga," said Kai calmly. As his conversations had gone on, his sinister pleasure had been slightly replaced with a quiet rage. Guy and Kakashi stood ready for Kai's next move as Kai stood still a foot between each of them. "Do you know how I got my first pair of these beautiful eyes?" Kakashi and Guy did not respond apart from a slight tense of their weapons. Kakashi was ready to use his sharingan at any time but would rather let Kai waste his time than try his luck, fighting early.

"My first family could be considered the Hyuuga clan. You see, my parents while being alive, ignored me- isolated me- neglected me all because my sister 'showed more potential'. A male Uzumaki is considered useless by many. Ah 'useless', that's what they called me, when they would talk to me, that is."

"Are we going to fight?" interrupted Guy as he grew impatient. Kai responded to Guy while only looking at Kakashi.

"The Byakugan is more useful when countering reckless attacks, as I have found out. Another reason why I was more worthy of my Byakugan. The first person I would call a friend is my first training partner, Izuku Hyuuga. I was taken in by the clan when they witnessed my incredible talent. But even then, they looked down on me. Without their kekkei genkai, I was a weakling to them... 'useless'. Now look at me, feared throughout the land! It almost hurt me, tearing out Izuku's eyes but it all felt better when I saw how they looked at me. I wasn't useless anymore. I wasn't a weakling anymore. That's what I think my mother, father and sister thought as I massacred them," Kai's sinister pleasure reappeared as he finished his speech. He giggled slightly.

"So, that's why you keep going, keep replacing your eyes, to prove your strength?" asked Kakashi. Kai giggled again.

"I will never be a weakling again. This world will know my name and fear it: Kai Uzumaki."

"You disgust me," Guy said. Silence took ahold of the three as Kai still only glared at Kakashi, while still watching Guy with his byakugan-granted 360 degree vision. Suddenly, Guy slightly smirked.

"Now Kakashi!" Guy screamed and threw a small pebble at Kai who was forced to hit it away, causing him to turn his head from Kakashi for a split-second. In that time, Kakashi pulled up his headband, revealing his sharingan and managed to land a hit on Kai's side, sending him to stagger backwards a few steps. Guy followed up as did Kakashi, wearing Kai down as they both slowly managed to dodge his monotonous blocks. Kakashi ducked out down onto the ground, stopping his barrage of punches, while Guy kept Kai occupied, to perform a couple hand-signs.

"Lightning Blade." Kai's eyes widened and suddenly a harsh frown appeared on his face. Kakashi's hand was a millimetre away from Kai's stomach.
"NO!!" screamed Kai and his arms span around him, knocking Kakashi and Guy back. Kai's arms seemed to be spinning faster than the eye could register. Kakashi's sharingan only just kept up. Kai's Byakugan had a slight red hue and his frown was still visible.

"That won't work again," he said. Suddenly, he disappeared leaving Kakashi and Guy, still on the ground. They both got up quickly.

"He hit us, too far away from him!" Guy stated as they both started chasing after him.

"His eyes are- getting stronger?" Kakashi asked more to himself as he recalled the events that had just taken place.

"No, he is just quick to adapt. We were wrong to try and wait it out, we just gave him time to assess the situation. We got lucky with the pebble," Guy replied.

"Let's hope we get lucky again, for Hinata's sake," said Kakashi, "Tch, I thought this would be an easy mission."

Naruto, Lee and Hinata and followed the river down until they encountered a clearing by a lake which the river came from. Naruto gestured to the others to return back into the woods so they could be hidden. They began to follow him until a kunai was thrown at them. They all tried to dodge but it hit Hinata straight through the leg. Kai followed up from the kunai by trying to run up and pick up Hinata. He was shocked when Naruto matched his speed as he pulled Hinata out of the way.

"Bushy Brow, help her," Naruto ordered as Lee quickly pulled Hinata onto his back. 'Naruto-kun,' Hinata thought as she tried to ignore the pain in her leg.

"Keep that kunai in or she'll bleed to death," Naruto once again ordered as he kept eye-contact with Kai, "I'm going to hold him off until Kakashi-sensei and Guy-sensei make it."

"No!" Hinata screamed out before spitting out a little blood. She tried to get off Lee's back but the pain was too much to handle.

"Bushy Brow," Naruto said sternly while not looking away Kai who merely looked at him playfully. Lee nodded.

"Yes," he said before turning around and running into the forest. 'No, Naruto-kun don't...' Hinata slowly faded into unconsciousness as she was carried on Lee's back.

"You really think you can hold me back, brat?" Kai asked playfully in a patronising manner.

"I don't care what name you call yourself, I know you can be beaten like anyone else," Naruto responded, tightening his grip on his kunai.

"You're similar, you and I. I don't know how but I can tell." Naruto tried to ignore him. "You're an Uzumaki too," Kai almost gasped as he put the pieces together. He noticed Naruto's reaction and smiled. "We're the same." Naruto laughed humorlessly.

"I would never be like you," Naruto chuckled, "I don't care if you're even closely related to me, I'll kill you if you even try to lay a finger on my friends."

"I know you're stalling, you shouldn't announce your plans in front of your enemy," stated Kai.

"Come at me then," Naruto responded. Kai smiled.

"You are like me." Kai lunged at Naruto who only barely dodged. Kai responded by trying to hit Naruto with a gentle fist but he surprisingly dodged. Naruto tried to hit Kai with a kunai but missed by a hair. Kai was surprised with Naruto's reaction time as he dodged his hits. Punches flew but none connected as Kai and Naruto expertly dodged each-other's attacks. After a few rounds, Kai noticed Naruto's attack pattern and countered by uppercutting his chin when he was undefended. Naruto was sent back flying but landed and once again ran up for another attack. 'Get here soon, Kakashi-sensei, Guy-sensei.'

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