Kushina Requiem

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A/N: I felt like Kushina needs more time. I hope I gave her enough. Hope you enjoy :)

The Namikaze household was silent. After Jiraiya had left, Minato and Kushina had slowly and silently gone to their rooms. Jiraiya had put Naruko to bed and Karah was safe from the threat of the Akatsuki but the two still felt something in their stomach. Was it nervousness? Butterflies? The two were still spinning from being released from their 12 year genjutsu. Memories flooded their heads.

Kushina carried the newly-born Naruko as she with Minato and Karah were taken from the hospital. They were all tired but laughed as they made their way back home. Naruto stood in the ward, waiting for his family to come back. A few hours ago, Jiraiya and his dad had walked into a room with Kushina. A few minutes after that, Minato walked and took Karah away.
"Tou-chan, wait for me!" called out Naruto. Minato quickly slammed the door in his face, blocking his path. Naruto kept his smile on, thinking that maybe Karah just needed to go to the toilet or something. So he waited in the room. And he waited. And waited. It had become dark outside and very cold. The three year old Naruto eventually left the room and began walking the hospital corridors. He found a nurse after a few minutes of wandering.
"Where is Tou-chan?" asked Naruto, sadness and fear filling his blue eyes. The nurse bent down and looked at him with a smile.

"I think he left a little bit ago," she answered softly. Naruto nodded and walked away. He didn't know what to do but eventually decided on walking out of the hospital alone and making his way through the cold back to his house.

'W-we... forgot Naruto,' Minato sat on his bed wide-eyed. He found it hard to muster the effort to blink. His head felt like it was going to crack. The memories going through his and Kushina's head faded in and out but seemed to be moving in chronological order.

'We left Naruto to walk alone in the cold... when he was 3...' Kushina began to cry. She did not have the energy to sob loudly so she simply let out occasional hiccups, disturbing the silent peace in the house.

"Can I show you something Kaa-san? Can I show you? Can I show you?" Naruto energetically ran over to his mother and began jumping up and down. Kushina interrupted her son with a swift slap to the face. Naruto hit the ground.

"God you're annoying," commented Kushina and walked away.

'Oh god.' Kushina's mind vividly reenacted the scene. Her heart dropped as she saw the face of her son hit the ground by her own hand. His happiness all gone in a second. She remembered the satisfaction she got from doing it. It disgusted her to her very core.

"Kaa-san! Naruto won't give me my toy!" Karah whined. Naruto held his teddy to his chest even harder.

"No, Mr Bear is mine!" Naruto shouted. Kushina slowly went over to Naruto and bent down to his level. A slap was heard and Kushina pulled Mr Bear out of Naruto's grip easily. Naruto tried to reach out again but was stopped by another slap. Karah was handed the toy and left the room with a smirk.

"You need to learn to share," Minato said simply and left the room leaving Naruto speechless with a red mark on the side of his face.

'No no no no no no-' It was like a car-crash. Kushina couldn't look away. Every time the memory would get worse.

"Kaa-san! Kaa-san!" Naruto ran up to his mother with a card in one hand and a beautiful flower in the other. Kushina watched the boy with a disgusted look. She rolled her eyes as he stopped in front of her.

"What do you want, you annoyance?" Kushina hissed.

"Kaa-san! I got you this card! I spent so long working on it! And I got you these flowers! Thank you for raising me!" the little Naruto bowed in front of his mother whilst holding out his offerings, shaking with excitement. The card had a drawing on it: a little picture of a stick figure (with the word: NARUTO, written above it) holding hands with a bigger stick figure (with the word: MOMMY, written above it) and another stick figure (with the word: DADDY, written above it). Above the drawing were the words: I LUV YU VERI MUTCH! Naruto had spent the past day working on the card and had gone to the Yamanakas to get the flowers. Maybe today he would get the attention he had always wanted. He just had to try hard enough.

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