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A/N: Not the proudest of this chapter tbh. Something about it doesn't seem right. I hope that doesn't bother you. Also WARNING: this chapter contains a swear word. I don't really care about this but I keep thinking children might read this considering y'know... it's an anime for kids and I think kids should be allowed to decide if they want to see swear words or not. Hope you enjoy :)

After a few seconds, Minato's instincts as Hokage finally set in. He quickly turned over to the people on the ground.

"Is everyone alright?" asked Minato, urgency clear in his voice. Nobody replied. No one could find the words to describe what they had just witnessed.

"We need to get after him," Kiba spoke up. He ran to the front of the group as Minato jumped down onto the ground. He shook his head.

"He's long gone. Both of them escaped," replied Minato. Kiba furrowed his brow.

"Neji-nii!" called out Hanabi as she had a revelation. Minato turned towards her, "Neji-nii stayed to fight him!" The groups' eyes widened.

"Team 10!" Minato's voice somehow grew in urgency, 'If Naruto is even close to my speed, Neji stood no chance!' he thought. "Go with Hanabi and Konohamaru. Make sure Neji is all right!" ordered Minato. Kiba nodded and began to run, Konohamaru and Hanabi close behind him. Lee quickly ran after them, unable to wipe his look of pure shock and terror of his face. Hinata did not move at all. She slowly looked down to her fist. 'Never be powerless,' she thought to herself before chasing after the group. The rest of the group stood motionless. Minato sighed and turned towards them, immediately noticing the expressions on everyone's faces.

"Tou-san," Naruko whispered as she ran up and hugged him. Minato reciprocated.

"You must all have concerns," stated Minato quietly.

"That's an understatement," Sasuke growled. Minato ignored him.

"If you want to voice them or simply find out more, follow me to my residence. I will answer all questions," Minato turned around, still holding Naruko, "I am done silencing. As Hokage, I need to listen to my people." Minato walked in the direction of the Namikaze household and the group slowly began to follow him. They all walked in silence.

As they arrived at the Namikaze compound, they were greeted by the sight of the Legendary Sannin Jiraiya. He stood with a serious look on his face. The Hokage and his teacher greeted each other with a solemn nod.

"How did you get here so quickly?" Minato asked as he and Jiraiya walked to the door, followed by the procession.

"I know you would never call me with such urgency if it was not an important matter." Minato nodded.

"It is."

The group all entered the house and seated themselves in the living room. Kushina had also joined the room and stood next to her husband. Minato broke the ice.

"So it has come to our attention," Minato paused, "That Naruto has become a member of the terrorist organisation known as Akatsuki." Nobody reacted. All that was heard was a handful of sniffs. "As it is my duty as Hokage, I will be labelling Naruto as a traitor of the leaf." Itachi stood up. His face was expressionless but his eyes were filled with rage.

"If you would not label him a missing nin, then he should be labelled a traitor," Itachi rebutted his calm tone contrasting with his burning glare. Jiraiya stepped in.

"Minato... you are not in the correct state of mind," Jiraiya said calmly. He stood silent for a moment before whispering, "I think it's time to dispel the genjutsu." Minato stopped. He looked to Kushina. She was fervently shaking her head. He sighed.

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