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A/N: Two Chapters in Two Days... I mean it would be impressive if it weren't just one chapter split in two. Ignore any grammar mistakes if you see any. I'm sorry if these recent chapters haven't been that good, I'm still not very confident in my writing ability. I just really want to tell this story. Next chapter is going to be good though, I have no doubt, I'm really looking forward to writing anyway. Also, there was a glitch that took down my story and ever since then, I haven't been getting any notifications. If you're reading this part could you please write a comment because it really motivates me to get updates done faster. Anyway, sorry for writing too long an A/N like I do every time. Hope you enjoy :)


Minato and Kushina lay next to each other in silence. They both felt uncomfortable in their bed. This was Minato's first night at home since... anyway... This was Minato's first night at home! They should be doing something or at least sleeping. But neither of them could do anything. They just both lay awake, looking up at the ceiling neither wanting to leave the bed.

Kushina was used to not sleeping as was Minato but now they had a perfect chance to. And yet they couldn't.

"Is this my penance?" Minato didn't know why he asked the question. Perhaps he was talking to God. He intended the thought to stay in his head. Kushina looked over to him.

"That's an odd thing to say," she murmured and put a hand on his stomach. Minato sighed.

"Will we ever move on?" he asked another question.

"Could we?" responded Kushina. Minato sat up in bed but didn't leave. He looked down at his hands on the covers and clenched them. Kushina looked at him sympathetically and snuggled up towards him. Minato unclenched his hands and turned towards his wife. She looked so adorable. He moved his hand and placed it on top of her head, patting her. A small smile danced on his face. Kushina looked up at him and her blue eyes pierced his. They were pricked with tears and Minato felt his heart drop. He pulled her into a hug and she began to let it all out. Minato simply shut his eyes and allowed his own tears to fall silently. They needed this.

The next day, Naruko noticed her parents were up early. This wouldn't usually surprise her because of her mother's recent behaviour but last night they had actually gone to bed. Due to both of her parent's lack of sleep, Naruko reasoned that they would at least rest a few hours.

'Maybe they're thinking about him,' Naruko thought. Her expression turned into a sad and slight frown as she walked away from the crowded kitchen to the front of her house. She opened the door and began to walk forward. Suddenly she heard footsteps rapidly approaching. As any ninja would, she immediately prepared for the worst and took up an offensive stance. No one was going to attack this house. She heard a bush brustle in front of her and immediately leapt at it.

"Hey, hey, hey!" A dog bark was also heard as Kiba fell to the ground as he failed to react in time to Naruko's attack. He clutched at his stomach where Naruko had hit him, "Ow!" he said dramatically. Naruko dropped out of her stance quicker than she had entered it. The world seemed to slow down for a second as soon as she saw his face. Kiba finally looked up at her and grinned brightly.

"Hey!" Naruko slightly jumped and took a step back. She felt the pupils of her eyes begin to dilate and noticed the new presence of a shade of red over her face.

"Uh... uh... h-h-h-" her mouth wasn't working correctly.

'Ugh, why does... my heart... feel like this?' Naruko put a hand to her heart to hear it beating faster than usual.

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