Team 6

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A/N: I am proud of how some events mirror ones that could have happened in the actual main series. Or at least could have been plausible to believe in the main series. Unfortunately, I have no plans to include Shikamaru in this story despite the fact he is my favourite character but he joins the ranks of 'Not Important to this story' alongside Gaara, Temari, Kankuro, Ino, Choji, Tenten, others. Please don't expect them to pop up randomly. I'd say 90% of the characters have already been established. Hope you enjoy :)

The new genin team, Team 6 made their way toward Training Ground 4. Run by the newest in the jonin ranks, Neji Hyuuga, Team 6 was set to be a formidable team once trained. Naruko Namikaze, Konohamaru Sarutobi and Hanabi Hyuuga: 2 descendants of great Hokages and 1 Hyuuga set to become a prodigy like her cousin. Their sensei awaited Team 6 with an angry expression on his face. Team 6 had had time to get to know their sensei and discovered a deeper side behind his strict facade built over the years and years of tough training. Neji Hyuuga was promoted to Jonin after completing an S-rank mission without help from his teammates and had ascended to being regarded as the best prodigy of his generation.

"You're late," Neji said tiredly as his students entered the training ground. It was much smaller than Training Ground 9 and was no bigger than a particularly large garden.

"No Neji-nii we're right on time, you're just early," Hanabi said as she grinned at her older cousin. Neji slightly winced at his name being used in a brotherly tone.

"Hanabi, you will refer to me as Neji-sensei," responded Neji, averting his gaze from his younger cousin.

"Come on Neji-nii, we're family!" After Hanabi and Hinata had vowed that she would help Neji bring the two branches of the family together, Neji couldn't help but get attached to them as if they were his sisters. Even so, Neji preferred to keep up his cold facade despite his love for his "sister" and his other students.

"There they go again," Naruko sighed. Neji and Hanabi were in the middle of their back and forth when Neji felt a cold presence behind him. He turned sharply around causing his students to jump backwards.

"Neji-sensei?" Konohamaru asked tensely as he pulled out his shurikens, completely unaware of the situation.

"Kid, you really have to work on that stealth jutsu of yours," the scaly voice of Kisame stained the air as the forms of him and Naruto slowly appeared in front of Team 6. "Anyone with decent chakra control can sense you," finished Kisame. Team 6 stood in awe at the two people in front of them. Naruko dropped her kunai.

"N-naruto-nii," she said quietly. Her eyes widened. Neji glanced back to his student while still keeping up his fighting stance toward his two opponents.

'Naruto? This is Hinata's old teammate, son of the Hokage? What the hell is he doing with this guy?'

"Naruko, Konohamaru, Hanabi, get out of here now!" Neji ordered. Team 6 nodded and proceeded to run as fast as they could. Neji's Byakugan veins appeared. He stared intently at his two opponents. Naruto looked lazily toward his companion.
"Kisame," he muttered. Kisame, a sinister grin plastered on his face, nodded and jumped past Neji. Neji tried to intercept him but was blocked by Naruto who had appeared in front of him in the blink of an eye.

"Your fight is with me, Hyuuga." Naruto's voice was calm yet intimidating. Neji felt a shiver go down his spine as if he subconsciously felt Naruto's strength simply through his voice.

Team 6 ran as fast as they could. They could feel the scaly man catching up to them. Kisame was playfully chasing the group like a cat toying with a mouse, laughing. He finally grew tired of his game as he unwrapped his weapon and was ready to swing. 

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