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A/N: Things get interesting. Hope you enjoy :)

The day of the genin exam had finally resurfaced as the Academy was once again filled with students hoping to pass. Among them was a much sicklier looking Naruto. Without Naruko or anyone to help him, Naruto had reverted to only sleeping and eating when necessary. All his work though, had been for this moment, this day. After this, it would have all been worth it. Iruka stood in front of the class and took notice of the abnormal-looking Naruto. He began calling out people's names to begin their examination. Name after name was called until Naruto was the only one left.

"Naruto- Uzumaki," Iruka said with difficulty. Naruto didn't even flinch. He had had a while to get used to his new name. He didn't care much for it. Iruka walked up to his student and put a hand on his shoulder. "Are you ok?" he asked. Naruto nodded with an emotionless expression on his face. Iruka hid his doubt behind his more prominent emotion of concern. He sighed as he got out a smaller piece of paper. "Naruto, I am sorry but it has been ordered that you not partake in this year's genin exam." Naruto looked up. Immeasurable disappointment glint in his eye, obvious to Iruka who stuttered when he next spoke. "T-the Hokage has said that you are not ready for it." Iruka winced as he saw the expression evident on Naruto's face. Naruto's fingers began to twitch. Iruka kept up his happy teacher facade and put his hand on Naruto's shoulder. "But you always have next year right?" Naruto still did not respond. His fingers began to twitch more frantically as they contorted around his wrists before suddenly, he calmed them. He breathed in and out. Naruto brought his gaze to Iruka's.

"Yes, I always have next year," he said unemotionally and slowly walked out of the room. Iruka internally groaned as he watched Naruto walk out of the classroom. 'What has happened to you Naruto?'

Naruto trained the whole next year. He made no contact with anyone and only survived off of stealthily stealing food from the Academy. Naruto didn't bother arriving at the Academy for the exams and instead trained. He knew that he would again not be allowed to take the exam and so saw no point. Naruto didn't even see any point in training but kept it up anyway. Naruto's only 'friend' throughout the year of training was his own thoughts, continually perpetuating his worst memories.  Naruto had only 1 thing motivating him. 1 thing that pushed him forward as he trained on a dark, wet, damp day towards the beginning of October. 1 thing that kept Naruto moving, jumping, skipping, lifting. Suddenly, Naruto felt a presence behind him. He turned around quickly. Two people were standing in front of him. To Naruto's left was an orange-masked man. To his right was a strange creature who was half-white and half-black.

"Well, it seems we have arrived," said the strange creature.

"And so it does."

The group remained silent for a moment as a slight breeze blew over them.

"Namikaze Naruto, I take it," the masked man said. His voice was deep and booming yet quiet and elegant.

"Uzumaki Naruto," the creature corrected and chuckled, "Thrown away by his father like a piece of trash." Naruto's face remained serious. He had not even attempted to get into a fighting stance as he had no intention of battling.

"I would not believe my sensei would treat his own blood like that." The masked man seemed to be wanting Naruto to react. Naruto sighed and responded.

"I don't care about any connections you may have to the Hokage," Naruto said frankly.

"As we are aware," the creature hissed, "We are aware of a lot of things concerning you."

"It may surprise you how much I know of you as well," Naruto said calmly, "Zetsu." The creature's eyes widened. The masked man laughed.

"You surpass my expectations Naruto," the masked man said. Naruto's face remained unresponsive.

"A year and a half by myself gives me a lot of time to figure things out. You'd be surprised at how much information there is in these scrolls." Naruto picked up the scrolls.

"Don't act like you learnt about us from some dusty scrolls," Zetsu commented.

"I have travelled a lot in my time as you are no doubt aware," Naruto said, immediately responding to Zetsu, "I have heard tales or should I say whispers of you. Whispers that when put together, paint a clear picture." The masked man laughed again and Zetsu frowned.

"You aren't the knucklehead I was led to believe. In fact you're a smart little brat aren't you?" Zetsu's frown remained. Naruto ignored him. 

"As for you, "Madara Uchiha", I think I know what you are planning." The masked man did not laugh this time but instead slightly raised his head.

"Oh, you saw through my ruse? You really are smarter than most. Go on then brat, what is my plan?" the masked man's voice slightly raised in pitch though his authoritative tone remained strong.

"Akatsuki," Naruto muttered. Zetsu gasped. Under the mask, the man grinned.

"And how do you know that?" the masked man asked patronisingly, "That's not something you learn from scrolls or from whispers."

"I may not be friendly with the Sannin Jiraiya but he is well-informed. He also does not seem to keep quiet whilst socialising inside the Hokage's home even when discussing classified information." Naruto's face remained serious. Zetsu inspected Naruto and smirked.

"You have chosen well," said Zetsu maliciously. Naruto remained still, eyeing both of the people in front of him.

"Naruto Uzumaki. Join us," offered the masked man. Naruto's face finally shifted. A small smirk appeared upon his countenance.

"Do you mean the Akatsuki or your other mission?" asked Naruto.
"Yes," replied the masked man in a playful yet sinister voice.

"You wouldn't ask me unless you were sure that I was going to join. You would've certainly killed me if you had even a slight doubt. Why are you so sure?" The two responded with silence. Naruto shrugged before chuckling slyly. His voice became deeper. "Well... you're right." He walked towards the two. "I will join you and become the strongest in this world," he proclaimed his smirk having faded.

"That's your ideology?" asked the masked man. Naruto did not reply. "I see." The masked man's revealed eye seemed to swirl as Naruto, Zetsu and the man all disappeared from Naruto's training area. The only evidence of their appearance having been a few footsteps in the mud that were washed away as the rain once again began to pour.

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