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A/N: My longest chapter yet... I noticed it could get a little confusing and convoluted at times so if you have any questions, just ask them in the comments. I've really been trying to have the events of this story run in parallel to events in the series although of course, that is hard in an AU that diverges so much.  Thank you again for all the support. Life has been pretty trash for me recently and checking my notifications really brightens my day especially considering my self-esteem problems. Anyway, enough of my waffling: Hope you enjoy :)

Naruto was shapeless within the shadows. To everyone in Konoha, he was invisible. He had infiltrated the village with ease and was now proceeding with his objective.

'This part is vital but not as vital as the part to come. After I have them I need to immediately regroup with Kisame. If the worst-case scenario occurs... I will have to completely alter my plan. But it won't. I just have to keep thinking positively.'

Naruto was getting closer to his target by the second. Soon it would be in his reach. He suddenly stopped his movement. Naruto had found himself exactly where he had wanted to be. He stood atop a rugged rooftop hidden by the darkness of the night. In front of him was his target and it stood tall. The Hokage Tower was opposite him, around 200 meters away and illuminated by a stray spear of moonlight which shattered through the clouds. Everything he needed... was in there.

"He should be around here," Karah murmured to herself. Jiraiya had left for his 'secret mission' the previous night. As he had promised, Jiraiya made sure that Karah was in the safest possible area before he departed. Karah heeded his orders. This did not fit with her usual character. Karah was usually easy going, cheerful, prone to rushing things, fun loving and often pulling pranks. However she was also intelligent. She knew her safety was important as she was a target for the Akatsuki. As she had learned at that fateful reunion, not even Konoha was fully safe. It was in the best interest of everyone to do as she was told especially by a wise (and perverted as Karah was often reminded much to her disgust) sage.

"Sorry!" called out a familiar voice. Karah turned around to the source. Jiraiya was running towards her. They were currently outside of a bath-house about three days away from Konoha.

"10 o'clock if I remember correctly," stated Karah.


"10 o'clock? Ring any bells?" Jiraiya shook his head firmly. Karah scowled.

"THAT'S WHEN YOU SAID YOU'D BE HERE YOU PERVERT!!!" Her face morphed into a caricature of Jiraiya's, " 'Be here at 10 o'clock. Not before. I will be waiting there and the window in which anyone could attack you will be too small to matter. Not too long after either. I don't want to be kept waiting.' " Jiraiya looked at his student cluelessly.

"I fail to see the relevan-" Karah scowl turned to a grimace.

"DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS NOW?!" Jiraiya paused. He looked up at the sky. He guided his eyes towards the sun and it's position in the sky. Was that before or after noon?

He stood like that for about 10 seconds. Karah stood with a waiting expression on her face. 'Did he get drunk or something?' thought Karah as she began to tap her feet in impatience. An eagle caw was heard.

"Uh... 11:30?" guessed Jiraiya. Karah had lost all interest in her anger. Her voice turned into a slightly annoyed monotone.
"2:56," she corrected. Jiraiya's eyes widened. He took a leap backwards.


"Yeah, you can say that again," she murmured. Jiraiya was obviously annoyed at himself.

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