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A/N: INCREDIBLY SHORT CHAPTER. sorry but I felt like this would do better if this was disconnected from the other chapter. Anyway, everything's coming together and thank you for all the support. I've actually started work on another book because this one is nearing its end. Dw I'll still make sure to satisfyingly finish this one. Hope you enjoy this mini-chapter :)


A sudden blue flash illuminated the sky. Shortly after a loud rumble of thunder was heard. Now Sasuke got up and walked toward Sakura.

"We're going to go now. See ya soon, Karah. It's nice having you back," Sasuke said, holding Sakura close to him as they braved the rain that was beginning to pour. He turned around and caught a glimpse of his teammate's face.

"Karah?" he called back, concerned. She was frozen; transfixed. Her eyes were wide and her fists were clenched. Her face was pale and her lip was quivering. She mustered the strength to speak.

"Do you feel that?"

A large boom was heard and the village shook. Karah quickly ran out to see what was happening. The rain was beginning to pour heavily now.

"Was that an explosion?" asked Sakura. Everything now seemed calm. Too calm.

"I don't kn-" The peace was immediately interrupted. The group shivered. They anticipated it before it even happened. The immense force they felt was their warning. There was a huge explosion; so big it could be seen from where Team 9 was situated. As the giant mushroom cloud rose from the source, a powerful wind rushed in all directions over Konoha. The wind was strong and ruthless tearing everything down in its path. Brown dust was brought up with it and shot in all directions destroying all structures in its path. The onslaught was heard before it was seen and gave the trio of Shinobi enough time to prepare for when the wave of wind and dirt and jump high enough to avoid it. All of the buildings around them, however, were turned to nothing but wreckage; scraps of what once were lay on the ground. The tidal wave kept going once it passed them and demolished everything in its path.

Karah landed and looked around her. The wave had not yet collided with the Hokage Tower and it seemed to not be going to. That was about all of the good news though. Everything around her was a complete wasteland. There was no sign of human settlement apart from the tiny ruins and wooden planks scattered around the huge crater she was in. She was towards the edge of a huge hole in the ground, spanning at least 20 miles in each direction. The rain continued to splash down upon her and broke her out of her fear-induced trance. She gasped.

'The civilians!' She instantly turned. Out of the dirt emerged two familiar faces: Ayame and Teuchi of Ichiraku Ramen.

"You guys ok?!" she called out as she hurriedly rushed over to them. They were completely stunned and Ayame had begun to hyperventilate. As she looked around more people were coming into view.

'How did all these people survive?' she thought, 'That explosion caused more destruction than anything I've ever seen!'

"Are you alright?" she repeated, pulling both of them up. Teuchi's mouth was agape.

"What was that!" he yelled out in shock.

"I have no idea! How did you guys survive, are you alright?" she asked for the third time. They finally responded with a frantic nod.

"What the hell is going on?" Ayame called out hysterically. Teuchi held her to both comfort her and him. Karah made sure the two were fine and ran swiftly forward to get a better view of the whole crater. The wave had stopped now and Karah confirmed the hole had a diameter of at least 20 meters. She couldn't see much though as the dirt that had been whipped up alongside the mist from the rain had clouded her vision.

'But not my sense,' she thought to herself and shut her eyes. She used what Jiraiya had taught her and reached out...

'Everyone's fine... I can't sense any deaths... but there's something else...' Karah's eyes shut open and widened. She rushed forward.
"SAKURA! SASUKE!" she called out urgently. Two silhouettes perked up and homed in on the sound.

"Karah, are you alright? What's going on?" Sakura asked quickly. Karah shook her head vehemently.

"No time, you've got to get now!" she yelled with desperation etched clear in her voice.

"But the-" Karah interrupted.

"I TOLD YOU, NOW!" Sasuke and Sakura looked at each other.

"Me and Sakura are going to try and help any civilians that might be in danger," he said and the two began to hop away. Karah grabbed them and stared at them with both ferocity and seriousness the two had never seen in their lives.

"I'm telling you they're fine. GET OUT! NOW!" A bolt of lightning struck the ground close behind them. The trio felt an insane presence and a shiver went down their spines. The crackling thunder was booming and powerful, announcing his presence to the world. Karah turned around as the lightning lit up the whole of Konoha and bathed it in electric blue. Her eyes grew wider still and her mouth went slightly agape. Sasuke and Sakura both looked in wide-eyed fear and astonishment as they saw what she was looking at. He stood there in the heavens, watching down on the village as if he were a god. His face was obscured by the lightning behind him. All that was visible was his iconic figure, clad in the dark robes known and feared by millions. The sheer knowledge of his presence was enough to give them all goosebumps but the sight elicited so much fear that Sasuke and Sakura could not find the strength and courage to move. But Karah could as she took a smaller step forward, still staring agape at the man floated 5,000 feet about the village.

"Go," she said, much quieter. Sasuke and Sakura did not argue anymore. Without a second thought, they fled the scene, both filled with so much fear they could not even ponder about the event that had just occurred.

Minato felt it before he heard it. All his hairs stood on end and he completely froze. He ran to the window when he heard the sound. He saw the mushroom cloud and watched in terror as the wave of destruction tore through the village. His eyes widened in shock and he put a hand over his mouth.

"W-who, w-what..." Minato's thoughts tumbled out of his mouth and he felt the earth underneath him quake. What the hell was going on? He shut his eyes and sensed the presence of all the villagers. To his surprise, not one was dead after all the chaos and destruction. He couldn't allow himself to move from the window as he overlooked the scene.

"What type of jutsu...?" he thought to himself out loud, "There's only one specific one I can think of with that amount of power but it was sealed awa-" Minato paused and his breath hitched. "No..." he whispered, "But that's impossible..."

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