The Akatsuki Civil War

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A/N: I hope this long chapter makes up for the other short ones recently. Also finally action! I encountered a problem which I'm sure a lot of writers (I use that term lightly when it comes to me) face where one character is so much more powerful than others that it makes the fights for them... a little... I don't want to say. I'm not sure about this chapter but I do hope everyone likes it. Tbh though I've not been sure about this whole book but I guess that's just because of my lack of confidence in general. The next couple of chapters after this are going to be pretty important so stay tuned and leave comments if you enjoy. Thank you for all the support. Anyway hope you guys enjoy :)


Jiraiya and Karah continued their long journey back to Konoha. They were now only a week away and were making steady progress. Luckily on their journey back they had not had any encounters of interference. On the horizon, they saw an inn not too far ahead. The sun was already going down so the two decided to stay there for the night. They paid for a room and entered, absolutely wrecked from their previous long day of travelling. It was nice for Tomura to give them a place to sleep but they had had to get moving early and thus didn't fully rest. Karah collapsed face-first onto her bed and Jiraiya onto his. There was about a two-step distance between them. They simultaneously let out a groan.

"It wouldn't be too much to ask for a full nights sleep, right Ero-sennin?" Jiraiya grimaced into his pillow at the offensive name.

"I told you not to call me that. People might really get the wrong idea considering I'm always going around with a young girl." Karah scowled as well and jumped upwards to dispute his point and his insinuation but immediately regretted it and fell back onto her bed, this time not face-first. Once she had recovered she responded, "I think everyone can tell that there's nothing happening."
"There's a lot of dirty-minded people in this world, Karah."

"This whole conversation is disgusting, I don't know why you brought it up," Karah crossed her arms, annoyed by the awkwardness. Jiraiya smirked.

"You brought it up when you called me a pervert," Karah sat up and waved her hands defensively.

"But I didn't mean anything like that and even if I did you are a pervert!" Jiraiya held a finger to his lips to hush her.

"I said be quiet people might get the wro-"

"To hell with this, I'm going to sleep!" Karah dramatically turned away from her teacher and faced the opposite way. Jiraiya chuckled at her antics. Karah lay still for a few seconds before slowly turning back around. She sat on the bed with her legs crossed and her arms the same.

"Okay," she began more quietly, "I won't call you that anymore when we're in public."
"I don't want you calling me that at all!" Karah's expression of feigned innocence and sadness disappeared and she let her face morph into a troublemaker's grin.

"But it's funny though," Jiraiya dramatically began to fake cry and Karah began to laugh. Soon they were both laughing and began to recount some of their misadventures on their training trip. As the stories grew zanier and funnier Karah was once again reminded of how close she was with her godfather. They frequently hung out when she was younger and were now practically inseparable. She remembered how when she was 8, her father described them as "a duo perfect for each other". Whenever Jiraiya would come over she would always play with him for hours. As Karah sat there listening to Jiraiya with a small smile on her face, she felt her stomach clamp up. Her smile disappeared. Jiraiya noticed this and his expression also changed, but to one of concern.

"Are you alright?" he asked. Karah looked down to the floor.

"I was just thinking..." Karah's face resembled that of a mouse, "We're really close, huh?" Jiraiya nodded, "We've got a lot of memories together? I mean, we've been close ever since I was born." Jiraiya nodded again. Small tears formed in Karah's eyes, "Naruto never had those memories, did he?"

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