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A/N: Really enjoying this new chapter in the story. By that I mean there has been a time-skip. Technically this is the "Shippuden" of my version of events. Also I warn you that there will be a huge influx of flash-backs. I know I've done a few already and I know it's a cheap tactic but this is Naruto. You can't have Naruto without needless flashbacks. I personally like the drama it adds. Hope you enjoy :)

"Stop." Tendo Pain stood in front of Naruto. Naruto obeyed his command and stopped his training. As he got up from his press-ups he saw that the Tendo Pain was not alone. A tall slightly blue fish-like creature stood behind him, wielding an outrageously-sized blade. Naruto bowed down to Pain before standing up.

"You have proven yourself Naruto. You are ready to become a member," Pain said unemotionally. The man stood behind him silently. Just like all other members of the Akatsuki he wore the signature black cloak, red clouds streaked across it. Naruto got up from his bow.

"Thank you master," Naruto said, his voice having grown much deeper. Naruto was much taller now after his almost 3 years of training. His hair had stayed the same throughout but his body had matured. He had broad shoulders, was taller than his father and had regained a healthy skin-tone. He looks almost exactly like the Hokage.

"As you are becoming a member of the Akatsuki, the teams had to be switched. This is your partner, Kisame. Kisame, this is Naruto Uzumaki." Pain's malicious whispers were juxtaposed by Kisame's malicious grin. "We have waited long enough to attack. Our plan must go underway immediately. I will inform you of your mission shortly." Tendo Pain disappeared into the mist leaving Kisame and Naruto alone.

"So you're the Hokage's brat?" Kisame was still grinning. Naruto as usual showed no emotion. Kisame continued, "You know we're going to have to kill your family?" Naruto did something he hadn't done in years. He smiled slightly. It seemed to hurt him and relieve him at the same time.

"I look forward to it," he said calmly before hastily getting rid of all emotions once again. Kisame looked down at his new partner.

"I think I'm going to like you," he purred, "Welcome to the Akatsuki."

"N-naruto-nii," Karah whispered. She covered her mouth in shock as she saw the hat fall. She completely froze as Itachi's body hit the floor, her brother standing over him. His eyes were completely emotionless. Minato was too shocked for words. Naruto, ignoring their reactions, got ready to lunge forward again. As he jumped forward, Minato did the same. Naruto's arm hit Minato's as they clashed, a small shockwave being sent throughout the forest. Minato hid his fear as he saw the look in his son's eyes. In a movement so fast it was impossible to see with the naked eye, Minato used his spare hand to throw a kunai up vertically. As he went to grab it with the same speed, he was shocked to see Naruto had caught it. 'H-he's faster than me?' Minato thought. Naruto threw the kunai behind Minato's head towards Karah before teleporting to it. 'My technique? But how?' Minato thought, rushing to protect his daughter. Karah was still frozen with shock as Naruto stood in front of her, a kunai in his hand.

"N-naruto-nii," she repeated. Naruto raised his hand to strike but saw a kunai pass by his foot out of the corner of his eye. As he lowered his arm, Minato had appeared bent down at his feet to block his attack. Naruto was still emotionless. Karah dropped to her knees as she witnessed her father and Naruto clashing. To her, the two seemed to disappear and reappear with Minato continually blocking Naruto's attempts to advance toward Karah. Naruto would appear to the left and Minato would then counter. Naruto would appear to the right and Minato would then counter. Up, behind, left again, Minato countered Naruto's every attack with seemingly equal speed. Naruto then appeared again to Karah but instead of advancing, back-flipped into the trees allowing himself to become enveloped and hidden by the leaves. Minato still kept his guard up on Karah as he felt Naruto's presence dissipate. As soon as he was sure Naruto was gone, Minato ran up to the injured members of Team 9. Itachi quickly recovered as did Sasuke both only sustaining minor concussions. Sakura regained consciousness but did not have enough energy to stand. Sasuke helped her lean up against a tree. The group was silent as they tried to understand the events that had just taken place. After a few moments of silence, Minato finally spoke.

"Naruto?" he asked rhetorically.

"When the hell did he get so strong?" asked Sakura in between sharp breaths. She looked over to see the rest of her squad's faces. Karah looked like she was going to throw up. Sasuke looked the same. Itachi hid his face almost entirely and Minato had a look of sudden shock as if he had just been shot.

"Naruto... is a part of the Akatsuki?" Minato couldn't wrap his head around it.

"I have failed you." The group turned to look at Itachi. He had finally stopped hiding his face and revealed that tears that were falling from his face. "I have failed you," repeated Itachi again, "I have failed you." Team 9 quickly looked away from the sight of their sensei crying but Minato found himself unable to look away. 'Naruto, what did you turn into?' Minato thought.

"As I thought, it wouldn't go to plan," Kisame said in his slithery voice as Naruto joined him, hidden in a tree. Naruto still showed no emotion.

"If you were so certain the plan was going to fail, why did you not inform me?" said Naruto, a hint of annoyance in his tone. Kisame grinned evilly.

"I'm always a fan of an aggressive strategy, that's just how I am," replied Kisame.

"It would have worked if the Hokage was not present, I did not expect him to be there," Naruto then turned to look at his scaly partner, "If you're such a fan of fighting why did you leave me alone to defeat a whole squad, a jonin captain and the Hokage?" Kisame laughed at the growing annoyance in Naruto's voice.

"Sorry kid, orders from the boss himself. When we get back I'm sure he'll explain his choices. Even I don't know," Kisame got up from his hunched position, "Anyway, didn't you have a plan B?" Naruto nodded.

"Follow me."

Sasuke yelled out in rage as he suddenly punched a tree with all his might. The tree crumbled to the ground. He then pointed his glare towards the Hokage and his daughter. His sharingan immediately swirled as rage filled his body.

"YOU," Sasuke pointed at them, "YOU DID THIS!" Itachi was too busy silently crying to stop his younger brother. Minato and Karah were too shocked to reply.

"YOU... YOU... YOU," Sasuke couldn't find the words he needed to portray the correct amount of anger, "YOU KICKED HIM DOWN! YOU NEGLECTED HIM! ISOLATED HIM! BULLIED HIM!" Sasuke's voice seemed to only grow in anger, "YOU TOOK AWAY HIS NAME, HIS HOME, HIS FRIENDS AND YOU LEFT HIM TO DIE FOR 2 YEARS ALL ON HIS OWN!" Minato had finally brought his gaze to meet Sasuke's as Karah avoided it frantically. "And now," Sasuke's voice dropped significantly, his tone turning to one of defeat, "He finally snapped." Sakura grabbed Sasuke's hand.

"Sasuke," she said softly as she lightly tugged him down towards her, "Calm down." Sasuke's forehead dropped slightly, landing on Sakura's. Small tears fell from his eyes. Minato pulled his gaze to his daughter.

"He's after you," he said, acting as if Sasuke had not spoken, "We need to go." Minato grabbed Karah's hand but Karah stood still.

"W-what just happened?" she asked, a small deranged smile dancing on her lips. Her lip quivered and her eyes were unblinking. Itachi finally regained control of himself and wiped his tears away. The atmosphere was sombre and still as Team 9 stood frozen in complete silence. Itachi then looked up, his eyes widening.

"There were two of them," Itachi whispered the revelation to himself before urgently yelling, "Quick!" he turned to the Hokage, "We need to move. Now!" Minato looked up at him and the group began to move quickly into the village. Sasuke carried Sakura over his shoulder as they rushed in through the gates. Itachi immediately began to run deeper into the village.

"Make sure Karah is safe, she is still their objective. The village must go into immediate lockdown, we can't afford them infiltrating the area!" said Itachi urgently. Minato nodded and with a glance to the ninjas guarding the Konoha gates, the gates were sealed shut. Minato then turned around to Team 9.

"Sasuke, Sakura go to the hospital immediately. Karah, come with me." Sasuke and Sakura nodded and trudged towards the hospital. Karah however remained unresponsive, her eyes still unblinking and her lip still quivering. She only moved when forced to by Minato's harsh grip on her hand. Itachi jumped hastily through the village his eyes scanning for any traces of the Akatsuki. His gaze fell on the Uchiha compound. 'I'm too injured to go into another fight without back-up. I just hope he's not on any mission,' Itachi thought as he slowed his pace, arriving at his destination. 

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