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A/N: Naruto's birthday in these types of stories only means one thing! Happy times for all! Except unfortunately Naruto... shame but I'm sure he won't mind. Action is taking a back-seat for a while. Drama is just a lot more fun for me but I assure you there is still action to come. Hope you enjoy :)

A few months passed as Naruto and Karah's birthday was coming up soon, once again. Preparations for Karah's party were set up as Naruto kept up with his training regiment. Kushina was too busy planning to notice her son being absent for weeks as he trained, non-stop in complete solitude. He had slowly made his way through the scrolls and was now working on the sizable chunk of his father's techniques, mastering each part. One night while Naruto was continuing his normal training, he heard a loud cheer from the other side of the compound. He slowly stumbled, tired from his training to where he watched Karah's 5th birthday party. He was met by a familiar sight as he once again saw his house bustling with life and energy as it did at his sister's birthdays. He overlooked the scene and noticed some of the attendants. He smiled as he saw Sasuke and Itachi both with a small smile on their face which was rare, especially for Itachi. 'I'm glad they're having fun,' Naruto thought without a trace of bitterness, 'I'm glad they found someone better than me.' Naruto then realised that his whole previous class was present. All the graduates apart from Naruto were all smiling from ear to ear due to the celebration. His gaze then fell onto who the birthday girl was sitting next to and he felt his heart slightly fall. Hinata was sitting quietly next to Karah, smiling happily as Karah and Lee were seemingly having a contest as they both played a game Naruto couldn't quite make out.

'T-they're so happy as well,' Naruto even struggled to think this as he tried to keep positive. A scene played vividly in his thoughts as he watched the scene.

' "Thank you Karah for showing me true strength, I can finally call someone who is worthy, my eternal rival!" Lee proclaimed. Hinata giggled.

"Well I hope I showed you that's it better not hanging around with that weakling," Karah responded proudly to which Lee and Hinata both nodded their heads.

"He really was an annoyance," Hinata said quietly with a shy smile on her face.'

'NO.' Naruto would not let himself think like that. He would stay positive no matter what. Suddenly Naruto heard a noise behind him and he immediately stood up readily. Kakashi made his way out of a bush behind him muttering something about being late for his sensei's daughter's birthday. His eyes widened as he saw Naruto.

"Naruto?" Naruto lowered his guard and collapsed onto the ground while still remaining conscious.

"Kakashi-sensei, shouldn't you be enjoying the party?" Naruto asked unemotionally. Kakashi nervously scratched the back of his head.

"Ah, y'see I was late and-" Kakashi realised who he was talking to, "Wait, why aren't you at the party?!"

"Hokage-sama and Karah-sama have always forbidden me from attending the party," Naruto replied, still unemotional.

"W-why?" Kakashi asked, slightly concerned. Naruto shrugged.
"That's just how it's always been," said Naruto. Kakashi then noticed Naruto's insanely bruised body and his eyes slightly widened.

"Naruto, have you been training?" Naruto nodded.

"For the past few months straight," replied Naruto. Kakashi paused.

"Naruto, when was the last time you slept?" Naruto shrugged again.

"I don't need to sleep, I need to become genin again." Kakashi watched as Naruto tried to pull himself up and failed, falling back to the ground.

"Don't you remember what you told Lee about how sleep is important. You need a rest," Kakashi said as he sat down next to Naruto. Naruto didn't react but instead stared into the night sky above him.

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