Illusions of Grandeur

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A/N: I don't know, was this chapter too long? I hope not. Maybe I rushed it... Still I'm feeling myself getting into a groove now. Hope you're enjoying :)

Naruto awoke on the ground outside. 'Sleeping out here again?' Naruto thought to himself. After being forced out of the house for 3 nights, Naruto spent most of his nights outside, having been training until he dropped. A grin then overtook Naruto's face as he remembered the events of yesterday. He even chuckled to himself as he remembered his corny sensei and teammates. 'I can tell that Hinata girl doesn't like me though,' Naruto thought as he pulled himself back to the academy to meet up with his team.

"HELLO GENINS!" Guy yelled as he entered the room. Immediately, Lee stood tall like yesterday. As Guy entered the room, he was followed by his eternal rival Kakashi Hatake. Lee seemed to somehow stand straighter.

"GUY-SENSEI! KAKASHI-SENSEI!" Lee yelled and Kakashi seemed to chuckle with slight embarrassment.

"Easy there, Guy Jr." Kakashi said. Lee's eyes seemed to sparkle after being referred to as Guy Jr.

"Well Team 10, I would like you to meet my friend and eternal rival, Kakashi Hatake," Guy stated and Kakashi made a peace sign.

"Of course, you're only introducing me to Hyuuga over here. I have met both Lee and Naruto before," Naruto looked up. He had no recollection of ever meeting this strange masked man before.

"Uh, we haven't met," Naruto pointed out as he got up to see if he recognised the man.

"Oh, maybe it was too long ago for you. But surely your father would've told you the stories about his student right?" Kakashi asked the boy who was the exact likeness of his master. Naruto shook his head.

"My Tou-san never tells me any stories. Anyway, you must've been at Karah's birthday right?" asked Naruto.

"Of course, I would never miss the birthday of my sensei's child," Kakashi answered, "Well I guess looking back on it, we really haven't seen each other in a long time." Kakashi held his hand out and Naruto firmly shook it while giving his foxy grin. Kakashi then shook Hinata's hand.

"Anyway, I was saying before we got sidetracked, IT IS TIME FOR OUR FIRST MISSION GENINS!" Guy yelled and Lee once again stood up straight. "Also as Kakashi is lacking a squad, I asked him to help us on our first EVER mission!"

"WHAT IS THE MISSION GUY-SENSEI?!" Lee inquired with excitement.

"It's a D rank mission: deliver a scroll to a small town outside the village," Kakashi said with disinterest. 'All that excitement for that mission,' Naruto thought.

"Got to start somewhere, huh Hinata?" Naruto said while giving a grin that caused Hinata to bury her face in hands and turn away from him. "Huh?" 'Guess she really does hate me' Naruto thought. Kakashi almost chuckled at the altercation.

"Genins are so adorable," Kakashi mumbled, 'I promised Guy that I'd help him with his first mission but I didn't know it would be this boring. What a waste of a week.'

Team 9 made their way onto the roof and were greeted with a small note. 'Training Ground 9' was written on it. Sasuke groaned.

"What's the point in making us come all the way here, just to go there?" he asked. Sakura slightly giggled and together they finally found Itachi after arriving at Training Ground 9. Itachi ordered the trio into the field-like area and then told them he would return shortly.

"Going to make us wait again Itachi-sensei? What do you think he's doing? Guys?" Sakura turned around to see the whole field had been covered with a thick fog.

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