Family Reunion

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A/N: I've really been struggling to write this recently, but we are nearing the climax (FINALLY). I've decided my next book is going to be Naruto (and shorter than this one lol) and I've started writing it. Then I'm going to write a LONG Harry Potter one and then a My Hero Academia one. Anyway, about this chapter. I don't know. If you don't like this one, that's fine. I wasn't too keen on it myself. I wanted to have a wholesome bit so I added the ending but you can ignore that if you want. It's a little cringe but I think it's cute. Anyway, hope you enjoy :)


Minato ran through the village as fast as he could. He ignored all the passing comments, greetings or stares that accompanied him as he raced past.

'Is it true? No, it can't be! I saw him dead!' Minato's eyes darted around, in all directions. Neji had busted into his office and told him the situation regarding his son. In a flash, he was gone, trying to find him.

'Is this a joke? Why am I running? Why did I run away so fast? This is obviously-' Minato froze. His eyes widened. He couldn't believe what was in front of him. An eager Naruko wore a smile on her face as she pulled Naruto's hand, leading him through the village. Naruto himself was smiling as well, although his smile was much lighter and more mature. His huge frame matched the same that Minato had last seen him and he certainly looked like Naruto. Minato watched from afar, a small grin sneaking onto his face also. He knew, even if he didn't want to admit it instantly, as soon as he saw him: that was his son. A sudden wave of nervousness washed over Minato.

'What am I to say? W-what am I to do?!'

Minato's 'rational' and Hokage-like side took over. He pulled out a kunai and flashed in front of Naruko and Naruto. In a swift movement, he separated the two and pulled Naruko behind him. He held his kunai in front of him and stared directly at Naruto.

'Wha- What am I doing?!' Minato mentally yelled at himself, 'I'm meant to apologise to him, not point a kunai at him!'

Minato's mouth was seemingly speaking by itself, "W-Who are you, why are you back in the village?"

Naruko's face fell as soon as her hand left contact with Naruto's. She pulled away from her father's grasp and ran back to Naruto's side. Naruto's smile was long since gone. Minato was unnerved by his face. Last time he had seen him, he was completely emotionless but now he knew that that was only a facade. Now he saw Naruto's face again and all he could focus on was his eyes: they were so full of betrayal; sadness; depression. Those were the eyes of someone so beaten down that they haven't experienced happiness in years.

"It's Naruto-nii!" Naruko called out, desperate for her father to see reason, "Why are you attacking him?!"

Naruto turned to his sister by his side, "I thought you said that they missed me," he said softly. Minato's kunai fell by his side. His eyes widened. He got out of his stance. Naruto turned back to Minato and bowed, "I am sorry for my sins... I turn myself in."

Minato didn't know what to do. Now he had made it even worse. He was nervous after all the years of abuse by his hand, Naruto may not know how much he loved him but now Naruto clearly thought that he hated him.

"Uhhh- I- Uh- I mean... Uh- You know-" Minato waved his hands desperately. He was struggling to speak. Naruto's head was still bowed.

"I will accept any punishment dealt to me," Naruto's voice was practically a whisper. Minato was shocked by how different his voice was from when he had last heard him. It really was like he was a completely different person.

"No! Naruto-nii!" Naruko's voice was so full of desperation. Guilt funnelled through Minato like blood in his veins.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it!" he yelled out quickly, "I-I-I was just... y'know... used to you being an enemy!"

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