Prophecised Child

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A/N: Wow thanks for all the support guys! Number 1 of #naruto hot! That's incredible. I feel so good inside :) Anyway, I hope you enjoy this new chapter. I haven't written in a while so it may seem a bit off but I did my best. 

"So why are you handing me the address of a bathhouse that is located 3 DAYS A WAY?!" yelled out Kisame in confusion, "I thought we were going to Konoha?"

Naruto sighed, exasperated from his partner's behaviour.

"Yare yare, do as I say. They will be here, I know it." Naruto was quickly becoming bored. Kisame frowned.

"I thought you were the rookie. Since when did you start bossing people around?" asked Kisame, mostly to himself.

"Soon I will boss everyone around," Naruto stated quietly. Kisame shot him a look of a mixture of confusion and anger.

"Eh?!" Naruto looked away from his teammate, his bored eyes eager for a different stimulus.

"You should probably get going, you would want to get there on time," ordered Naruto causing Kisame to groan and stand up.

"What are you going to do in Konoha?" he asked grimly.
"As you said... a personal visit" replied Naruto. Kisame rolled his eyes.

"You're joking right?"

Naruto turned to face him with a serious expression. He exhaled.

"Yes," he said simply and Kisame facepalmed.

"Your humour is horrible," Kisame said, equally simply

"I said go!" Naruto almost shouted but did not allow his voice to rise too far. Kisame sighed, shrugged and nodded before disappearing in the direction of his destination. Naruto stood frozen for a few minutes allowing the wind to brush and blow against him. He felt one with nature.

"So close..." he whispered.

Karah walked up to the door of the Namikaze compound. She felt uneasy. Of course, she hadn't spent the night here after the Akatsuki attack and she had good reason not to but she still felt guilty for not staying with her family. Surely they must be feeling the same emotions as her right now: confusion, sadness and, even though she wouldn't like to admit it, anger. Karah was angry. Angry because of the betrayal of her brother. She also could feel a strange aura coming from inside her house which she just could not describe. She pushed on the door and found it unlocked. She was surprised but not concerned, she knew that everyone in the house was alright. Her feeling of unease skyrocketed as she entered the hallway. She took a few steps and then turned into the kitchen. Her father was sprawled on the table, a large bottle of alcohol next to him. Karah cringed in disgust.

"Tou-chan," she said loudly and prodded him to wake him up. Eventually, he stirred.

"N-naruto?" he called out, his vision blurry. Karah frowned.

"No, Karah. Remember me?" Minato still squinted his eyes before laying his head back down. Karah sighed, "Oh you're no use. I would think that a Hokage would get drunk like this. I'll get Kaa-san to wake you up." Minato did not respond and Karah pouted. She hated getting ignored by her parents. It had to be up there in her top 3 least favourite things.

Karah walked up the stairs. She was still feeling that sense of unease. It just wouldn't leave her. Once she set foot on the landing she was shocked to see her mother, asleep, leaning against the walls. Her face was wet from tears. Karah rushed over to her and began shaking her to wake her up.

"Kaa-san, Kaa-san!" Her desperate cry managed to wake Kushina.

"K-karah?" she sputtered out, "W-what time is it?"

Karah held a concerned frown on her face, "12:05. I'm so confused, what's going on here? What made you and Tou-san react like this?" At her daughter's questions, Kushina's face fell.

"I-it's not your fault. You did just as we told you. I'm sorry. It's my fault," Kushina began to mutter a series of strange sentences. They made no sense to Karah at all.
"Stop! Stop!" Kushina silenced, "It was Naruto, wasn't it. That's why you're feeling so bad!" Kushina looked up at her, "Look, it's not your fault. You're not to blame. He joined those people of his own free will. And I'm gonna make him pay!"
Kushina's face paled at Karah's last sentence.
"No!" she screamed out. Karah looked at her confused.

"Huh? B-but... he's joined the Akatsuki... he's a villain!" Kushina's lip was quivering and tears were incredibly close to falling.

"N-no..." her voice was quiet now and desperate. Karah was in complete shock. Suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned to see her father standing above her, an insanely sorrowful look on his face.

"Karah. We need to talk," he stated.

Karah sat silently in the kitchen, waiting for Minato to come and talk to her. All she could now was sit and wait whilst trying to tune out the sounds of her mother crying and her father trying to comfort her. Eventually, after what felt like an eternity, Kushina had calmed down and all that could be heard from her were a few hiccups. Minato walked solemnly into the kitchen and sat down opposite Karah. The atmosphere was unbearable.

"Sorry," Minato said, breaking the silence. Karah almost laughed. Almost.

"You wanted to tell me something."

Minato looked to the floor before breathing in and out. He nodded as if preparing himself and then looked directly at his daughter.

"On the date of Naruko's birth, I was informed about a prophecy. A prophecy regarding you."

Karah froze for a second in shock before slowly nodding her head.

"As you know, you are the jinchuuriki for the Nine Tailed Fox." Karah nodded again. Minato sighed. This was still so hard to say. He was disgusted with himself.

"The prophecy stated..." he paused again, "The prophecy stated that you had an equal possibility in destroying this world and saving it."
"I-I don't under-" Minato cut his daughter off.

"We made a mistake. All those years ago, we made a mistake."
Karah tried to speak again, "I don't under-"

"We believed..." Minato gulped. It was getting hard to speak, "We believed that the only way to make sure that you... that you didn't... destroy the world..." Minato paused and furrowed his brow, "Oh what the hell. I don't know what we were thinking!" The shout shocked Minato himself but he could no longer contain his self-hatred. "Me and Kushina we willingly- WILLINGLY- put ourselves under a genjutsu that would make us hate Naruto. It would make us forcefully neglect him." Minato snapped the words out with disgust. Karah's eyes widened.

"W-w-what do you mean?" Minato winced at her face. She was disgusted too.

"I made it so... Because of the prophecy..." Minato cut his ramblings off, "I made it so we would hate Naruto. It's our fault that he left the village." His last words were the words of a defeated man. He lowered his face and held it in his hands. Karah stood up and found herself shaking uncontrollably.

"I have to go!" she yelped out suddenly and found herself running out of the house, unable to process all the information. Minato didn't bother to chase after her. Eventually, the Namikaze residence was silent once again. All except the occasional, quiet wails of Kushina Uzumaki.

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