Best Friend

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A/N: This won't make sense to most of the people reading this but to the 3 people who have PM'd me saying that I "ruined the story" for making Naruto be good the whole time, I'm sorry but I'm not rewriting. I said this last time but I've been getting a lot of hate msgs recently and its really demotivating. I'm probably going to cut this story short because I'm honestly getting tired of it. Dw, this isn't the last chapter and the next one won't be either. But I've noticed my chapter lengths are getting shorter and my quality is getting worse. I'm very, very sorry to people who actually enjoy the story, I don't want to let you down. Anyway, enough of my bullcrap, hope you enjoy :)


Hinata slowly opened her eyes. Blearily she looked around. She hadn't remembered going to sleep. She pulled herself upright in her bed and looked down at herself.

'I'm not even wearing my pyjamas. What happened?'

She looked up and then saw him out of the corner of her eye. She jumped in shock.

"Naruto?" It came out like a whisper. Naruto, who was lying against the wall motionlessly, did not respond in any manner. Hinata leapt out of bed. She reached out a hand to wake him. In a split-second, before Hinata's hand could even make contact, Naruto's arm shot upwards and grabbed Hinata's hand. Hinata tried to pull herself free but found she couldn't escape Naruto's strong grasp. Naruto's eyes shot open. They darted around him until they eventually rested on Hinata. He let go of her hand quickly.

"Sorry," he said, shutting his eyes again, "Just a habit, I guess."

Hinata was about to open her mouth to speak when she heard a knock at the door.


As soon as Hinata heard the voice she groaned. Neji was the last person she needed right now. The door opened. Neji was about to walk in but instead froze in the doorway when he saw who was in front of him. Hinata turned to him.

"I can explain-" she said quickly. Neji cut her off.

"Wh-what is he doing here?!"

Naruto looked down in shame.

"Sumimasen, Hyuuga-sama," Naruto pulled himself off the ground, "I apologise and will leave now."

Hinata grabbed his hand, "No," she said lightly and then turned to Neji, "Just listen to me, nee-san."

Hinata told Naruto to sit back down before leaving the room. In the room next-door, Hinata and Neji sat opposite each other, intent on proving their point to the other.

"That man in there is Naruto Namikaze, the strongest member of the Akatsuki. He's dangerous!"

"Naruto isn't a member of the Akatsuki or dangerous!"

"You were told that by another member of the Akatsuki! How can you believe him?" Neji retorted.

"I know Naruto! He needs our help!"

Neji scoffed, "What do you mean, 'needs our help'?"

"Neji-nee," Neji stopped. He looked at Hinata. Tears pricked in her eyes, "H-he... isn't well. Mentally well. I-I l-left him all that time ago... I-I need to help him now."

Neji sighed. He rolled his eyes and turned around. He thought for a second, "Fine!" he groaned, "Fine. But if he back-stabs or betrays you, I'm going to kill him."

Hinata smiled brightly at him, "Neji-nee!"

Neji scowled. He hated when she made that face. It was too adorable to counter. Both of them returned to Hinata's room. Naruto got up once again and bowed to Neji.

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