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A/N: Short chapter this time.  Hope you enjoy :)

Kakashi and Guy finally arrived at the clearing and immediately saw a noticeably bruised Naruto. They arrived just in time as Naruto was knocked back into a tree. Kai was ready to follow up on his attack but was intercepted by Might Guy, letting Naruto lie against the tree, away from the fight.
"It was cowardly of you to run," commented Guy as Kakashi landed behind him. Kakashi turned to Naruto.

"Where are the others?" Naruto only weakly pointed in the direction they ran. Kakashi's eyes widened. "You held him off?" Kai rolled his eyes.

"Your attention should be on me," he stated and Kakashi turned around.

"Naruto, stay there and don't try and interrupt." Naruto nodded. For a moment, silence overtook as the only sound heard was the slight breeze that patrolled the clearing.

"Let's dance," Kai grinned. Instantly, the two jonin were directly in front of Kai only giving Kai a small chance to dodge. Kai responded with his counter. This time was expected though and Kakashi and Guy sidestepped. They tried to retaliate but their punches were both caught. Kai struggled against their collective might and so spun the arm holding Kakashi's hand behind him and the arm holding Guy's hand forward. Kakashi landed on the lake behind him gracefully while Guy recovered and already began his next attack. As Kakashi made his way back to the fight, he saw as Kai adapted to Guy's fighting style and skillfully dodged an uppercut. Guy was left open as Kai hit him perfectly with a gentle fist sending him flying backwards and unable to move. Kakashi then tried to attack from behind but was countered thanks to Kai's 360 degree vision.

"We shouldn't be fighting," Kai said as he still didn't turn to look at Kakashi, "We're both thieves. We should be working together." Kakashi's eyes narrowed as he slowly moved towards Kai.

"I am no thief," Kakashi replied.

"There is no need to be guilty, Kakashi Hatake: Copy Ninja. You need to accept that you are more deserving of that eye than its previous owner." Kakashi's breathing began to become more erratic. "I doubt the person that eye once belonged to would have been as well renowned as you are and you only own 1. Compared to your talent, he was probably noth-" Kakashi's face contorted with rage.

"Say one more word!" threatened Kakashi as his red sharingan menacing swirled. Kai's grin faded as fear began to overtake him. Fire surrounded him as a devil began to approach. Kai stood as the hulking beast made his way towards him, frozen with fear. Kakashi once again, raised his lightning blade and aimed for Kai's chest and started running towards him. Just as Kakashi was about impale him, Kai broke free of the genjutsu and hit Kakashi straight in the stomach sending him flying backwards. Kai approached Kakashi's lying body.

"Even still, you cannot defeat the Reckoning," Kai said as he got ready to finish Kakashi off. Suddenly though, Kakashi uppercutted Kai, amplifying the punch with his chakra. Kai was sent flying 15 feet into the air as Kakashi fell back on the ground, almost completely exhausted. Kai chuckled as he saw he would easily survive the fall.

"It's over!" he stated, staring at the collapsed Kakashi. 'No, it can't end like this. Not after what he said about Obito. Obito. Rin. Give me strength!' Kakashi thought as he pulled himself up to stand unsteadily. Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye he saw Naruto standing by the tree.

"Take this!" Naruto suddenly yelled as he hurled a shuriken at Kai. Kai easily dodged in mid air and chuckled.

"What did I say about yelling out your plans to the enemy?" Kai laughed. His smile slightly faltered when he saw Naruto was still grinning. Kai then felt a presence behind him. The shuriken transformed into Naruto as he held a fully mastered Rasengan in his hand.

"IT'S OVER!" Naruto yelled and hit Kai with full force directly to the head. Kai was sent straight down to the ground, hitting a rock as he impacted. Kakashi's mouth opened as he saw the corpse of Kai in front of him. Naruto's shadow clone on the ground and disappeared in a puff and Naruto landed gracefully in front of his sensei. Naruto then turned and walked over to Kai's body. His head was cracked and blood was pouring out.

"I told you I'd kill you," Naruto said quietly and walked away.

Kakashi's head was still spinning. 'Naruto- defeated the byakugan hunter. With the... Rasengan! A mastered rasengan! I guess his vision was getting blurry and he couldn't tell the shuriken's chakra path from the clone's. That's insanely clever,' Kakashi thought. He knew that Karah could almost do a rasengan but Naruto's was as pronounced as his father's.

"Y-you defeated him," Kakashi said with disbelief staining his voice. Naruto ignored him to tend to Guy who was only just regaining consciousness. "Y-you used the rasengan," Kakashi said quietly as Naruto helped Mighty Guy up. Guy looked over and saw the body of Kai and smiled at his comrade Kakashi.

"Kakashi! Sorry I was knocked down, I should've waited for you but I had faith that you'd be victorious! THE POWER OF YOUTH PREVAILS!" yelled Guy as he went over to his stunned rival and embraced him in a hug. Naruto merely began to walk off quietly into the woods.

"We need to get Hinata and Bushy Brow," Naruto said quietly. Guy nodded and caught up with Naruto.

"Yes, we'll get them. Kakashi, seal that man's body in a scroll and we'll meet up here," Guy ordered. Kakashi was still too stunned to respond but managed to nod in reply as Guy and Naruto disappeared into the forest.

"N-naruto, how are you so strong?" Kakashi murmured to himself as he finally broke from his trance and walked over to seal Kai's body.

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