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A/N: Now this may be hard but I am going to try and redeem a character that I intentionally created to be the most annoying and hateable character of all time (hyperbole but you get the gist).  You may still hate Karah now and you may still hate Karah at the end. But for those people who enjoy a redemption story I hope you can enjoy this. Thank you very much for the surge of recent support it really motivates me to continue writing considering I'm not a very confident person so again- Thank you :D Anyway, enough of my overly-long A/Ns, hope you enjoy :)

Karah's head felt like it was on fire. She couldn't stop running. She felt like she needed to get out of Konoha. She felt like she needed to escape from everyone. Her whole world had just been toppled upside down.

"Why are you following me? You're going to make people think we're related!" yelled Karah

"But we are related!" Naruto smiled.

"Ugh! Don't you think I get reminded enough? I'm going to become Hokage and then I'll never have to be associated with a weakling like you ever again!"

Karah entered the room after her mother and her smile faded as she too noticed Naruto.

"What are you doing here weakling?" Karah spat. Naruko was shocked at her sister's and parent's reaction.

"I brought Naruto-nii in from training to get some breakfast," defended Naruko as she stood in front of her brother. Karah almost burst out laughing.

"Training, don't make me laugh. And don't refer to him as a brother Naruko-nii, it will just make him even more annoying," Karah spat. Naruko looked back to her unresponsive brother.

"He's not annoying, he's-" Naruko was cut off by her mother.

"-A disgrace to the family. If you want food from me, you're not going to get any. You need to learn to get stuff for yourself," Kushina stated coldly.
"Sorry, Kushina," Naruto said quietly as he slowly got up from the table.
"What did you just call Kaa-san?" Karah yelled as she walked up to Naruto, "You need to show more respect to your mother. She did so much for you: raised you, fed you, gave you a bed to sleep in and that's how you repay her?" Naruto still didn't verbally respond as he slowly trudged to a cupboard that contained food.

"Karah-nii stop, you can see Naruto's not looking well. He's been training for a long time '' Karah cut Naruko off.

"You keep saying he's been training but to me it seems like the only thing he's been doing is sitting on his ass and getting by by riding on Tou-san's coattails," Karah's enraged look intensified as Naruto was still trudging over to the cupboard. "Look at me when I'm speaking to you!" Karah yelled. At that moment, Minato entered the room rubbing his eyes.

"Karah-nii, please, just look at him! Kaa-san, Tou-san!" Naruko pleaded to her parents. Minato, having seen Naruto had hardened his gaze.

"I don't see anything wrong with him," Kushina said unemotionally. Minato stayed silent. 'Is he ill? He looks like he hasn't slept or eaten in days,' Minato thought as he kept a stony glare on Naruto.

"I said," Karah raised her voice and her fist, "LOOK AT ME WHEN I'M-" She tried to throw a punch but Naruto caught her fist. He turned to face her.

"I'm looking," he said quietly and released her fist. She took a step back, a shocked look on her face. She stood there in silence for a millisecond before her frown returned.

"Why you little-" Karah threw a barrage of punches that Naruto easily deflected.

"Karah!" Kushina yelled. Naruto glanced at her as Karah only stared at Naruto with intense rage, "You cannot lose to him." Naruto wasn't even slightly shocked at his mother's words as Naruko gasped.

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