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A/N: So this is it. The final chapter. If you see any problems I apologise. As I mentioned in a previous post I have been suffering from depression which is why it took a while to get out. Sorry for not responding or reading any comments but I decided its just better to not go on. I have deleted that part now so people will not have to know about that anymore. Thankfully tho when I logged on today nobody had sent any mean msgs so I think those people have been banned now! But anyway enough of my pointlessness personal stuff. I hope its worth the wait because tbh... im not very happy with it :( I will be editing it. But anyway I will have another A/N at the end so for now... hope you enjoy :)


The skies turned a slight shade of grey. A cool breeze ran through the arena. Time itself seemed to be frozen. Above the arena, floating in the skies of Konoha were two figures. In the air, they stood in front of what seemed to be a large crack in the sky. One of them was very slender with long white hair, wearing thin robes. The other was much bulkier and wearing similarly-coloured but less regal clothing. Both of their faces were of an extremely pale complexion and the bulkier one had a horn coming off one side of his head. Silence overtook the whole arena. The shock, the fear of the unknown, the intense caution were all tangible feelings among the crowd. Slowly, the beings descended slightly, their feet still not touching the ground and levitating a few feet above it. The one with the slender form smiled. His eyes surveyed the surrounding area. He chuckled.


The word came out more like a snarl. Many recoiled at the sound. It was intimidating. Naruto watched the two with a look more akin to curiosity than of fear. The gears in his head were slowly working everything out. Eventually, a small smirk broke out on his face. He slowly stood up, being the first one in the arena to move a muscle since the unexpected arrival.

"I know I should've expected you," he said, his voice seemingly unfazed by the situation, "I saw you coming. From quite a long time ago," Naruto looked upwards into the sky, recollecting the many nights he spent looking up at the sky. The two figures regarded him with a look that conveyed how significant they considered him to be, "I take it you are Otsutsuki."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2020 ⏰

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