15 Years Later

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A/N: Time Skip! I have been trying (and failing but trying nonetheless) to keep this story mirroring the timeline of the manga and I feel like this is the way to do it. Things to note: Boruto does not 'hate his dad' here. Naruto doesn't become the Hokage and instead spends all of his time with his family. Also Boruto isn't going to cheat or anything like that in these chunin exams. This chapter is more of a "Yeah this is the time period of this story now" more than a densely plotted chapter but the next 2 (and final two) will be more of that. If you have any questions comment them. OH YEAH I ALSO HAVE A NEW STORY OUT RIGHT NOW! I'M GOING TO TAKE A LITTLE BIT TO FINISH THIS SO FOLLOW THAT ONE WHILE I WRITE THIS!!! Anyway hope you enjoy :)


A young boy with bright blonde hair silently snuck into the room his parents shared, a cheeky grin on his face. He giggled to himself as he heard their snores. The time on the clock next to bed read 8:45. He had turned their alarms off. The boy took another step closer, suppressing his laughter.

"QUICK QUICK QUICK!!" he yelled out at the top of his lungs, "GET UP! GET UP! TOU-CHAN, KAA-SAN!"

Hinata and Naruto's heads instantly shot upwards, looking around urgently. The young boy couldn't hold it in any longer. Hinata turned to him sternly.


Seeing the angry look on his mother's face, Boruto stopped laughing.

"Eep!" he yelped in fear and ran out of the room. Hinata pouted and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. Naruto tiredly looked around. He turned to his wife and smiled sleepily.

"Let him be, it's his big day," he yawned and slowly pulled himself out of bed. His eyes slightly widened at the time, "EH?! Who turned our alarms off?!"

Hinata quickly turned to see what he meant.

"Boruto!" Naruto called out and proceeded to run out of the room. Hinata chuckled to herself and slowly followed him out of the room. From the corridor, she could see Naruto playfully chasing around her 13-year old son around the kitchen.

"Kaa-san," a soft and small voice called from behind Hinata. She turned around and smiled gently. She walked over to her daughter.

"Himawari, are you alright?" Hinata asked the dainty little girl in front of her. She looked very similar to how Hinata did when she was younger but with some of Naruto's features clear in her. Hinata embraced her in a gentle hug. Himawari yawned and rubbed her eyes.

"I was woken up, is everything fine?" she asked curiously, her adorable eyes looking upwards into Hinata's. Hinata nodded. She took Himawari's hand and walked with her into the kitchen. Naruto and Boruto had made up now and were jollily eating breakfast together. Upon seeing her big brother, Himawari let go of her mother's hand and toddled over to him.

"Nee-chan!" she said happily. She wasn't big enough to pull him into a hug so she settled with just grabbing his left side. Boruto turned to her with a massive smile.

"Himawari-nii! Why are you up so early?" asked Boruto, turning and pulling his younger sister into a hug. Himawari grinned innocently.

"I just... woke up!"

Hinata smirked and walked in, "You woke her up with your loud prank."

Boruto took a step back when Hinata accusingly pointed her finger at him, "Me? What prank did I do?" Naruto grumbled as he ate his breakfast. Boruto laughed guiltily, "That was more of a joke, heh heh," he turned back to his sister, "I'm sorry Himawari-nii. If you want to go back to sleep that's fine!"

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