The Village

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A/N: A little bit more back-story for Naruto this chapter (as if we didn't already have enough). I know the action hasn't started yet but believe me it will happen. Longest Chapter so far btw. Maybe too long. I'll let you be the judge.

The next day, Naruto began his first training session with Lee, after another uneventful day of travelling. Naruto was struggling to keep up after the first hour. Lee's stamina seemed endless after he had just done 500 push-ups before 600 sit-ups and then a run around the camp, 100 times and was still raring to go. Naruto, understood why Lee had been so tired yesterday.

"Bushy Brow," Naruto called out as he took a break to pant. Lee jumped up and down after stopping his run.

"Yes my youthful friend?"
"How long have you been training like this? Were you even going to stop yesterday if I didn't stop you?" Naruto asked as he noticed the sky turn a yellow hue signifying the sun's descent.

"I have been training like this since I can remember. The only way I can keep up with everyone else is training until I drop."
"So- sleeping..."
"IS OVERRATED WHEN YOU ARE YOUTHFUL LIKE I!" Lee interrupted as he continued his run around the camp. Naruto got up and started running after him.

"How about, if I win, you go to sleep like normal?" Naruto said as he caught up with Lee.

"And if I win, we go till we drop," said Lee, speeding his pace. Naruto did the same.

"Deal- eternal rival," Naruto said causing Lee to smile and speed up even further.

Hinata silently watched from behind a tree and smiled.

Lee and Naruto's rivalry only grew over the next two days with Lee determined to beat Naruto after his three losses. The town was now only 1 day away and the boys had already made a competition, that the first in the town would be the victor. The two both got up at the earliest opportunity and began running at full speed towards the town. They were seemingly neck and neck the whole journey and as the town came into sight, both sped up. As they passed the entrance, both did not know who was the victor and awkwardly stood in silence for a second.

"Naruto wins," Kakashi said, making the two jump. Lee then looked at Naruto with even more determination.

"I WILL win next time, eternal rival!" proclaimed Lee as Naruto looked at Kakashi confused.

"H-how did you make it here before us?" he asked as Might Guy and Hinata walked towards them.

"We heard of your competition yesterday and decided to make the final part of the journey in the night so we could get here first," Kakashi explained as Guy went over and hugged Lee.

"I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!! YOUR YOUTH SHINES BRIGHTLY MY S-" Guy coughed to prevent himself from finishing his sentence, "Uh- YOUR ETERNAL RIVALRY WILL BE AS LEGENDARY AS MINE, I AM SURE!!" He was beginning to get glances causing Kakashi to begin to pull him away.

"We still have a job to do," Kakashi reminded as he pulled out the scroll they had been tasked with delivering. Naruto stared at the scroll with curiosity but said nothing. They slowly approached the head of the town's home when they heard a yell.

"N-NARUTO?!" A man yelled in shock as he stared at the boy with his mouth hanging open. Naruto was confused until his eyes widened with realisation.

"Old man!" he yelled and began to grin.

"I'm not old!" retorted the man as he got closer, "I'm the leader of this town, remember? Still in my prime!"

"You've changed it so much! When I was here last time, there were only a few houses," Naruto said, still smiling. Kakashi coughed to get their attention.

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