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A/N: Very very very short chapter. Like short like my first fanfic short. Sorry but I felt it just had more impact. Finally some action! Hope it lives up to the hype... if there was any. These ANs keep me sane. Helps me dream that maybe someone is reading this and I'm spending so many hours writing for an actual reason. Existential crisis aside; hope you enjoy :)

As Naruto stated, the group left early for the journey back to Konoha and soon they had already been travelling for 2 days. The journey back went much quicker and Naruto and Lee were back to training with Naruto being a lot quieter. The dawn of the third day arose and the group was quickly on the move. As they slowly passed through a thick forest, a masked figure in the distance gazed in their direction. He was so far in the distance that there was no way for him to have seen them. He chuckled slightly as he began to make slow steps heading their direction.

Team 10 walked in silence through the forest. A slight breeze flew past them. For some reason, Naruto felt like someone was watching him. Hinata felt the same and couldn't help but slightly glance to Naruto in the tiniest hope that he would comfort her. The team stopped as they encountered a river. As the sky was beginning to darken, the team decided to set up camp. Suddenly, the two jonins stood bolt upright. They were instantly on guard.

"You three, behind us now!" Guy ordered and the three ran towards them.

"Show yourself," Kakashi said once the genin were protected. A sinister laugh could be heard as the masked man emerged from his hiding space in a tree above them. His mask had no design or insignia but was instead, completely red; stained red.

"I knew I had made a mistake stepping on that branch," the man cursed himself. His voice sounded silky and evil. It made the hairs on the back of the ninja's necks stand up. "There goes getting them at night. I guess there must be more bloodshed." Kakashi's eyes narrowed.

"Tell us what you want," Kakashi growled. The man jumped onto the ground in front of them and slowly took his mask off. He kept his eyes shut as he did before throwing his mask onto the ground.

"I'll clean the blood with that later," he commented, his eyes still shut.

"Tell us what you want!" yelled Guy. The man simply grinned before opening his eyes.

"Replacements." His byakugan revealed themselves as he lunged at Guy and Kakashi. With a strong palm to Kakashi's stomach he pushed him away into a tree. Guy stopped the man's attack with his own fist and tried to push the man back but he dodged.

"Hinata stay back, he's after you!" Guy yelled. 'M-me?' Hinata stammered. Naruto stood in front of Hinata and pulled out his kunai.

"He'll get you over my dead body," growled Naruto. Kakashi got up from the tree and attempted to get back to the group of genins. The man intercepted him and Kakashi barely dodged another attack. 'He's fast,' Kakashi thought and he slowly got ready to reveal his Sharingan. The man assessed the battlefield and realised his positioning was not optimal. He was standing with Kakashi behind him, Guy in front of him and his objective behind Guy. Trees surrounded the other directions.

"Tell me who you are," demanded Kakashi. The man chuckled.

"I take it you don't think I'm a Hyuuga." The man was short for his age and held an evil face. His hair was as red as his mask and reminded Naruto of his mother. Hinata knew at once, this man was no relative of hers.

"My name is Kai. Uzumaki Kai. And I am in need of a new Byakugan."

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