Naruto Namikaze

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A/N: I'm really enjoying writing this! May seem random but I just wanted to put it out there. To everyone else, this may be meaningless, generic shlock but to me to its pretty cool, generic shlock. I am nothing if not prideful. Hope you enjoy :)

Naruto had come in for his daily "meal" consisting of a slice of bread and a banana when he overheard Naruko and his father having a conversation. Considering, they were directly outside the kitchen he was standing in, he couldn't help but overhear what they had to say.

"Hey Tou-san, could I ask you something?" There was a slight pause. "W-why do you treat Naruto-nii... the way you do?" Naruto froze before listening more intently.

"Ok, I'll tell you, but promise not to tell anyone, even Karah." 'There's a reason?' Naruto thought as his father began to speak once again.

"When you were born, Naruko, Uncle Jiraiya told me something very important. Something very important about Karah and about Naruto." Naruto could almost hear Naruko's eyes widen.

"What was it?" she whispered.

"A prophecy; a future vision," Minato responded, "Jiraiya had been following a prophecy for a long time but when you were born, another was made." Naruto forgot to breathe as he stood still, clutching his bread lightly. "Karah is destined to be the saviour of the world. She will protect it from a force so strong, even a shinobi alliance could not defeat it." Naruto felt like his entire head had exploded. "She must be protected though. There is a real danger with twins that one would feel neglected. Karah must not feel neglected in any way. This is why we act the way we do towards Naruto. It is out of necessity. Naruto will be the force to try to pull Karah towards darkness." Naruto dropped his bread.

"W-what do you mean?" Naruko asked, becoming scared at her father's words.

"Karah has equal opportunity to destroy this world and the main catalyst of that would most likely be Naruto, as told to me by my sensei," Minato replied, "I hope you understand now Naruko." Minato then entered the kitchen and his eyes slightly widened when he saw Naruto. Naruto was standing by the cupboard with a look of pure shock on his face. "What are you doing here? You should be at the academy," Minato said coldly, praying that Naruto had not heard what had just been said. Naruto pulled himself together and picked up his piece of bread.

"Sorry Hokage-sama," Naruto muttered and left the house quickly.

"Naruto-nii!" Naruko called out but there was no reply.

"Don't try and talk to him, Naruko, you're better than him."
"Do you hear yourself? It doesn't make any sense why you'd hate him that much!" Naruko yelled as tears began to flow. Minato bent down and began to hug her as Naruko slowly wiped her tears away. Eventually she stopped crying and asked in a hoarse voice, "You said they were twins."
"You said that Naruto-nii and Karah-nii were twins," Naruko repeated quietly. Minato nodded his head. "So that means, Naruto-nii's birthday is October 10th as well." Minato nodded again. "So... I missed Naruto-nii's birthday. Even after I promised, I would give him a present." Naruko's voice was slowly fading away. Kushina walked into the room and began hugging Naruko calmly.

"Naruto's birthday doesn't matter. Ok?" she paused, deciding to ignore the way his words sounded, "Look, me and Tou-san love him, just... not as much as you and Karah, y'know?" Minato stayed silent for a moment before leaving his crying daughter on the ground of the kitchen.

Naruto ran faster than he ever had before. He didn't really know where he was going. Thoughts were racing too fast around his head as his father's words echoed throughout it. Eventually Naruto reached his new training spot and collapsed onto the ground panting. His new spot was on the grounds of the Academy but completely deserted. It was comprised of nearly completely flat lands and had a beautiful river flowing through it. There was only 1 lone tree that Naruto lay against as he caught his breath. After a few minutes, Naruto pulled himself up and began training. After a few more moments, he fell to the ground again, completely unmotivated to keep going. His father's words echoed in his mind again. Suddenly a frown emerged on Naruto's emotionless face. He stood up.

"Like I care about some stupid propechy!" Naruto yelled, "Destiny's all made up anyway!" Naruto once again began to train, except this time, it was not half-heartedly. 'I will start again. I will become genin and then I will become the strongest, just like before. I don't need to be sad about Sasuke anymore or Itachi, Guy, Lee, Hinata. That is my nindo.' Iruka watched the situation curiously from afar before returning to his classes.

"Finally back in the village!" celebrated Sakura as Team 9 approached Konoha. They had been completing their mission and had been gone for 2 weeks. Minato was waiting for them as usual and congratulated his daughter for another mission completed. Minato always rewarded his daughter with ramen after a mission and so told the rest of Team 9 to return back to their homes and told Itachi to take a day off before handing in his report. As Karah and Minato walked together to Ichiraku Ramen, Sasuke and Itachi headed back to the Uchiha compound. They jumped through the rooftops until they made it to an area clear of houses. It was near the Academy and was comprised of mostly flat lands, with a river flowing through it. The two walked slowly through the calm area as the wind blew lightly across their faces. A figure stood a few metres away from them, training intensely by the river. As the two Uchihas glanced over towards the figure, their eyes widened. Sasuke gasped. They recognised him. Naruto was the one training so intensely. His skin had turned a slight green and he was thinner than Sasuke remembered. The two briefly stopped as they watched Naruto. Naruto turned around slightly and the two noticed his eyes before he turned around again and returned to his training.

"Sasuke," Itachi said quietly and started walking faster away from Naruto. Sasuke stood frozen for a second before following his older brother. Soon, they were both back at the Uchiha compound, having not said a word to each-other. Itachi was ready to return to his room before Sasuke stopped him.

"Are we really not gonna talk about him?" asked Sasuke. Itachi remained silent. "Are we?" Sasuke almost yelled. Itachi turned and looked at his brother in the eye.

"It will be better for us all if we do not," Itachi replied before turning around again.

"He was your student!" Sasuke spluttered out, "He was my friend!"

"It's almost been a year-"
"Is that all it takes? For you to forget?" Sasuke's voice cracked as he strained his voice to yell.

"You feel guilty," stated Itachi as he kept up his facade of emotionlessness, "Your guilt causes anger. Let it go and trust in the Hokage."
"Trust in the Hokage?" Sasuke repeated, "Do you even remember what Naruto told us about his family?"

"Those may have just been lies from a young child." Sasuke couldn't believe his ears. Itachi didn't even know why he was defending the Hokage but still kept up his mask of emotionlessness.

"I know you're lying Itachi-nii. I know you saw it as well." Itachi stiffened.

"I do not know what you are refer-"

"When we saw Naruto, he looked at us. Only for a second but he looked at us. I know you saw his eyes as well." Itachi facade began to crack. "Those eyes, that glare. That is the look of hatred-"
"ENOUGH!" Itachi yelled, shaking the walls of the house. "Enough," he repeated, much calmer. Sasuke turned and walked away from his brother.

"I guess I'm just as bad as you are," Sasuke shrugged, "Abandoning my brother." Itachi watched in silent sadness as his brother entered his room, leaving him alone in the corridor only his thoughts to accompany him.

'Naruto would not hate me,' Itachi thought, 'I'm sure he understands. Besides he has his old teammates. I bet he's still the same ball of sunshine he was before.'

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