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A/N: Wow. Long Chapter. Alright then. Hope you enjoy :)

The silence grew between the two as they remained in their positions. After a seeming eternity, Pain straightened up though he still did not turn around.

"Tell me," began Pain, "What is your ideology."

"To become stronger." Pain paused.

"That is not an ideology," he said simply. Naruto's face still remained emotionless.

"I will become stronger," stated Naruto.

"The Akatsuki is not a vessel for you to use," responded Pain, "Now tell me your ideology." Naruto paused. Behind his emotionless facade, he was calculating.

"Pain." Pain turned around with the same expression still on his face despite the fact that Naruto's statement had piqued his interest. "Pain breeds strength," Naruto concluded. Pain walked towards Naruto though not with the same intent as before.

"You may train here," said Pain after a moment of silence, "I will decide if you are to join the ranks of the Akatsuki." Naruto's face remained emotionless. "You have my permission to become stronger." Naruto bowed slightly.

"Thank you, Pain-sama." Pain only responded with his same expressionless stare.

Itachi's breathing had become heavier as he tried to get his anger back under control. He deactivated his sharingan but still stared at Minato and Kushina with burning ferocity.

"What do you mean 2 years?" Karah yelled. Naruko only responded by hugging Karah and crying into her. Itachi still only stared at Minato and Kushina. Sakura was confused and Sasuke was dazed.

"2 years?" he mumbled rhetorically.

"Where- is- your- son?" panted Itachi, desperately trying and failing to hide his anger. Minato stepped forward.

"Uchiha calm down," Minato ordered.

"It doesn't matter where Naruto is, let's all just try and ignore this," said Kushina, trying to calm the situation. Itachi silenced her with a glance.

"I am DONE ignoring Naruto," he said.
"But nii-chan, the decree-" Sasuke was cut off by Itachi's glare at the Hokage. Minato reciprocated the glare before sighing.

"All may resume contact with Naruto Uzumaki without punishment," declared Minato unenthusiastically.

"So where is he?" hissed Itachi.

"If my memory serves me, the last time I saw him was a little before his Namikaze title was stripped away from him," Kushina said, bravely meeting Itachi's eye contact which was toxic with rage. Sasuke stared at her.

"B-but why would you ever do that?" he asked, bewildered.

"That decree was publicised over 2 years ago, where is he now?" Itachi said. Sasuke stared at him.

"You knew?" he asked, rage growing in his voice as well. Itachi ignored him.

"W-we have to find him!" Karah said. Her voice was filled with unusual concern. Everyone stared at her. "What? Was it something I said?"

"It's just- you've never shown any care towards Naruto at all," Sakura said quietly. Karah stammered but could not find words. She internally reflected on these words and memories of Naruto began to replay in her mind.

"Karah is right, we have to find him," Itachi stated, his calmness regaining control. Kushina and Minato stayed silent as Team 9 left the house. Naruko looked up at her parents.

"Naruto-nii's gonna be alright, right?" she asked quietly. Kushina sighed. Minato decided to follow Team 9 and left without saying a word. Kushina bent down to her daughter and smiled.

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